Roscoe Guernsey (Executive Secretary)
Select: Roscoe Guernsey (Executive Secretary)
Correspondence, General, undated, 1919-1945
Select: Correspondence, General, undated, 1919-1945
Abbott, Frank Frost (Trustee), 1916-1921
Select: Abbott, Frank Frost (Trustee), 1916-1921 Scope and Contents note (includes letters concerning Committee on Efficiency, Committee on Publications business)
Adams, Herbert (Trustee), 1936
Select: Adams, Herbert (Trustee), 1936
Aldrich, Amey (sister of Director and official hostess during his tenure; Acting Director, Rome), 1937, 1941-1942
Select: Aldrich, Amey (sister of Director and official hostess during his tenure; Acting Director, Rome), 1937, 1941-1942 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning research and publication of her history of Villa Aurelia, suggestions for management of academy while operations were suspended during World War II)
Aldrich, Chester H. (Committee on the School of Fine Arts; Director, Rome), 1933-1941)
Select: Aldrich, Chester H. (Committee on the School of Fine Arts; Director, Rome), 1933-1941) Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about Committee on the School of Fine Arts business, appointment of Aldrich as director, finances, fellows, staffing, competitions, exhibitions, summer session, housing, publications, library, letters of sympathy on Aldrich's death, memorial service plans)
Alumni Exhibitions, undated, 1919-1923
Select: Alumni Exhibitions, undated, 1919-1923 Scope and Contents note (includes prospectus, unpublished checklist of 1919 exhibition, inquiries about circulating the exhibitions)
American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in Europe, 1943
Select: American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in Europe, 1943 Scope and Contents note (concerns approval of resolution offering academy facilities to the commission)
Annuities (TIAA), 1923-1945
Select: Annuities (TIAA), 1923-1945 Scope and Contents note (concerning annuity payments for Roscoe Guernsey and Professor Van Buren)
Appointments, Elections, and Acceptances, 1921-1938
Select: Appointments, Elections, and Acceptances, 1921-1938 Scope and Contents note (regarding trustees, officers, committees)
Armed Forces Master Records, Inc., undated, 1943-1944
Select: Armed Forces Master Records, Inc., undated, 1943-1944 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning establishing libraries of recorded music for use by service men)
Armour, George A. (Trustee), 1915-1920
Select: Armour, George A. (Trustee), 1915-1920
Atelier, undated, 1927-1933
Select: Atelier, undated, 1927-1933 Scope and Contents note (includes outline of plan for Atelier to be operated by the academy for use by visiting architects, painters, and sculptors; list of books to be purchased for the reference library, should the Atelier be open to women, notice of student arrivals and departures)
Baldwin, Henry de Forest (Trustee), 1940
Select: Baldwin, Henry de Forest (Trustee), 1940
Beebe, Dwight S. (Trustee; Finance Committee), 1942-1945
Select: Beebe, Dwight S. (Trustee; Finance Committee), 1942-1945
Benton, Hale P. (Assistant to Director, Rome), 1926-1945
Select: Benton, Hale P. (Assistant to Director, Rome), 1926-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning appointment and responsibilities, publications, shipment of student works, budget, list of equipment for sculptors' studio, health insurance for fellows, reports on library and administrative work that continued while the academy was closed during World War II, provisions for his retirement)
Boring, William A. and Crane, Arthur H. (Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer), 1919-1938
Select: Boring, William A. and Crane, Arthur H. (Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer), 1919-1938 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding extension of fellowship time, classification of subscribers, collaborative prize competition, Boring's report as visiting professor of fine arts, housing for Professor Sanders and family, pianos for Rome, endowment fund, staffing, biographical notes, resolution upon his death)
Boyce, George K. (Librarian), 1929-1940
Select: Boyce, George K. (Librarian), 1929-1940 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about his appointment, news of library staff and activities, plans in the event that war conditions force the academy to close, Boyce's return to the U.S.)
Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1945-1946
Select: Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1945-1946
Broadcasts, 1935-1942
Select: Broadcasts, 1935-1942 Scope and Contents note (concerns broadcasts of works by winners of the Prix de Rome in musical composition, also arrangements for announcements of upcoming competitions)
Budget, 1931/32-1945/46
Select: Budget, 1931/32-1945/46
Carpenter, Rhys (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies), 1939-1945
Select: Carpenter, Rhys (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies), 1939-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning his appointment, passport problems, activities of fellows, publications)
Cash Prize in Architecture, 1941-1942
Select: Cash Prize in Architecture, 1941-1942 Scope and Contents note (form letters about the competition, programs for preliminary and final competitions; see also Regional Competitions for 1941 and 1942)
Clark, Charles Upson (Professor of Classical Studies; Director, School of Classical Studies), undated, 1916-1919
Select: Clark, Charles Upson (Professor of Classical Studies; Director, School of Classical Studies), undated, 1916-1919 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about the library, travel plans, income tax, opinions of executive committee members regarding continuing Clark's appointment, news of Clark's activities after returning to the U.S.
Classical Senior Scholarships, A-Z, 1945
Select: Classical Senior Scholarships, A-Z, 1945 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with competitors, letters from recipients outlining their plans for graduate studies)
Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, undated, 1938-1948
Select: Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, undated, 1938-1948 Scope and Contents note (includes constitution of the Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, form letters to former students, lists of contributors to the classical school fund, lists of committees, annual reports, correspondence with officers, "Directory of the School of Classical Studies," newsletters)
Collaborative Problem, 1920-1931
Select: Collaborative Problem, 1920-1931 Scope and Contents note (includes problem statements, jury reports, correspondence about regulations and funding, critiques of submissions)
Committee on the School of Classical Studies, 1921-1945
Select: Committee on the School of Classical Studies, 1921-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning staffing, summer school, certificates and diplomas, news of students and staff, committee appointments,)
Council of the Academy, 1919-1944
Select: Council of the Academy, 1919-1944 Scope and Contents note (includes lists of members, report, letters of appointment and acceptance)
Curtis, C. Densmore (Professor of Archaeology), 1919-1925
Select: Curtis, C. Densmore (Professor of Archaeology), 1919-1925 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning publications)
Customs Duty, 1921-1942
Select: Customs Duty, 1921-1942 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and receipts regarding duty and other taxes paid on international shipments)
Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1927; 1935-1945
Select: Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1927; 1935-1945 Scope and Contents note (financial reports, correspondence mainly regarding financial matters, also about shipments of student work, news of staff activities, help from Swiss Legation during World War II; detailed accounts of condition of grounds, buildings and occupants, with lists of equipment and supplies needed, report of theft at Villa Bellacci, repairs completed)
Davico-Longobardi Salary and Dollar Balances, 1940-1945
Select: Davico-Longobardi Salary and Dollar Balances, 1940-1945
de Daehn, Peter (Assistant Librarian; Acting Librarian), 1935-1945
Select: de Daehn, Peter (Assistant Librarian; Acting Librarian), 1935-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes accounts of portion of salary held in New York, also correspondence concerning publications, staffing and work responsibilities, salary supplement for de Daehn, inquiries from nephew requesting information about de Daehn's welfare)
Dinsmoor, William B. (Trustee; Acting Director, Rome), 1944
Select: Dinsmoor, William B. (Trustee; Acting Director, Rome), 1944 Scope and Contents note (July 1944-April 1945, unable to secure passport to travel to Rome to assume duties; includes correspondence about use of academy facilities by the Office of War Information)
Donor Acknowledgments, undated, 1921-1937
Select: Donor Acknowledgments, undated, 1921-1937
Donor Lists, undated, 1920-1938
Select: Donor Lists, undated, 1920-1938
Ely Loan Fund, 1916-1945
Select: Ely Loan Fund, 1916-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes applications, also correspondence concerning committee meetings, repayment of loans)
Endowment, undated, 1919-1941
Select: Endowment, undated, 1919-1941 Scope and Contents note (includes lists of contributors, correspondence with and about donors, also concerning fundraising, Horatio Parker Memorial Fellowship)
Fairbanks, Frank P. (Professor in Charge, School of Fine Arts) (folders slightly out of order on microfilm), 1921-1930
Select: Fairbanks, Frank P. (Professor in Charge, School of Fine Arts) (folders slightly out of order on microfilm), 1921-1930 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about student work, collaborative problems, exhibitions, competitions, shipments, request for self-portraits of former fellows, inventories of studio furnishings, death notice, brochure and letter announcing the opening of a girls' finishing school in Rome operated by Mrs. Fairbanks and her daughter)
Faulkner, Barry (Annual Professor, School of Fine Arts; Chairman, Committee on the School of Fine Arts), 1922-1946
Select: Faulkner, Barry (Annual Professor, School of Fine Arts; Chairman, Committee on the School of Fine Arts), 1922-1946 Scope and Contents note (includes cost estimate for Rome Prize in painting competition, correspondence concerning Ward-Thrasher Memorial, Faulkner's appointment as annual professor, fellows, competitions, nominations, suggestions for future development when the academy reopens following World War II, proposed program of study for fellows)
Fellows--Employment, 1922-1934
Select: Fellows--Employment, 1922-1934 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about helping fellows find academic positions)
Fellows Serving in U.S. Armed Forces, undated, 1942-1945
Select: Fellows Serving in U.S. Armed Forces, undated, 1942-1945
Fellows-Travel Arrangements, undated, 1922-1941
Select: Fellows-Travel Arrangements, undated, 1922-1941
Fellowship in Architecture-Accredited Schools, 1930-1939
Select: Fellowship in Architecture-Accredited Schools, 1930-1939
Fellowship in Architecture-Miscellaneous Applications, 1924-1930
Select: Fellowship in Architecture-Miscellaneous Applications, 1924-1930
Fellowship in Architecture-Recipients, 1919-1938
Select: Fellowship in Architecture-Recipients, 1919-1938 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with and about architects Philip T. Shutze (1919), James Kellum Smith (1920), William Douglas (1924), Stuart M. Shaw (1925), Clarence D. Badgeley (1926), Homer D. Pfeiffer (1927), Cecil Clair Briggs (1928), B. Kenneth Johnston (1929), Walter L. Reichardt (1930), Henry D. Mirick (1931), Olindo Grossi (1933), Robert A. Weppner (1934), George T. Licht (1935), Richard Ayers (1936), Richard G. Hartshore (1937), and Erling F. Iverson (1938))
Fellowship in Classical Studies--Competition, 1929 and 1939
Select: Fellowship in Classical Studies--Competition, 1929 and 1939
Fellowship in Classical Studies--Jury, 1939
Select: Fellowship in Classical Studies--Jury, 1939
Fellowship in Classical Studies--Lists of Recipients, 1913-1926
Select: Fellowship in Classical Studies--Lists of Recipients, 1913-1926
Fellowship in Classical Studies--Miscellaneous Applications, 1929-1939
Select: Fellowship in Classical Studies--Miscellaneous Applications, 1929-1939
Fellowship in Classical Studies--Recipients, 1913-1941
Select: Fellowship in Classical Studies--Recipients, 1913-1941 Scope and Contents note (Lists of fellows in classical studies, 1913-1926 and correspondence with and about Emily L. Wadsworth (1919); Walter R. Bryan and Ethel L. Chubb (1920); Homer F. Rebert and Robert S. Rogers (1923); Marion E. Blake, Florence H. Robinson, and Inez Scott (1924); Lillian B. Lawler and Charles A. Robinson, Jr. (1925); John Day, Frederick La Motte Santee, and Lillian Starr (1926); Henry Collice, Howard Comfort, and Mildred M. McConnell (1927); Raymond T. Ohl, James Oliver, and Irene Rosenszweig (1928); Franklin W. Jones, George E. McCracken, and Edmund T. Silk (1929); H. Ess Askew, Elizabeth C. Evans, and Adele Jeanne Kibre(1930); Alfred Gelstharp, Jr. and Agnes Kirsoff Lake (1931); Chester Carr Greene, Jr., Bernard M. Peebles, and Dorothy Schullian (1932); Aline L. Abaescherli, George K. Boyce, and Meyer Reinhold (1933); Richard A. Lattimore, Naphtali Lewis, and George J. Siefert, Jr. (1934); Susan M. Savage, Lucy T. Shoe, and Walter F. Snyder (1936); William T. Avery and Erling C. Olsen (1937); Frances G. Blank, Miriam Friedman, and Chester G. Starr, Jr. (1938); Donald Brown and Delight Tolles (1939); Lester C. Houck (1940); Robert A. Brooks, Robert A. Long, and Herbert Strange (1941))
Fellowship in Fine Arts--Competition, 1920-1923
Select: Fellowship in Fine Arts--Competition, 1920-1923
Fellowship in Fine Arts--Miscellaneous Applications, 1922, 1925
Select: Fellowship in Fine Arts--Miscellaneous Applications, 1922, 1925
Fellowship in Fine Arts--Recipients, 1919-1939
Select: Fellowship in Fine Arts--Recipients, 1919-1939 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with and about Salvatore Lascari (1919); Cecere Gaetano and Carlo Ciampaglia (1920); Harry Poole Camden, Jr. and A. Clement Finley, Jr. (1924); Walker Hancock and Michael J. Mueller (1925); Deane Keller and Joseph Kiselewski (1926); George H. Snowden (1927); Donald M. Mattison and David K. Rubins (1928); John M. Sitton and Sidney B. Waugh (1929); Salvatore De Maio and William M. Simpson (1930); Harry G. Ackerman and Warren T. Mosman (1931); James O. Mahoney (1932); Robert Amendola and Daniel Boza (1933); Gilbert Baneuer and Reuben Kramer (1934); Robert B. Green and Gifford MacGregor Proctor (1935); William Boyhan and Theodore Harrison Gibbs (1936); John Amore and Clifford E. Jones (1937); Harry A. Davis, Jr. and George Koren (1938); J. Robert McCloskey and Robert L. Pippenger (1939))
Fellowship in Landscape Architecture--Competition, 1920-1938
Select: Fellowship in Landscape Architecture--Competition, 1920-1938
Fellowship in Landscape Architecture--Miscellaneous Applications, 1934
Select: Fellowship in Landscape Architecture--Miscellaneous Applications, 1934
Fellowship in Landscape Architecture--Recipients, 1915-1939
Select: Fellowship in Landscape Architecture--Recipients, 1915-1939 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with and about Edward Lawson (1915 [completed after World War I]); Ralph Griswold (1920); Norman T. Newton (1923); Thomas D. Price (1925); Richard K. Webel (1926); Charles R. Sutton (1929); Richard C. Murdock and Neil H. Park (1931); Henry Chabanne and George Nelson (1932); Morris E. Trotter, Jr. (1933); Alden Hopkins (1934); James M. Lister (1935); Robert S. Kitchen (1936); John F. Kirkpatrick (1937); Stuart M. Mertz (1938); Frederick William Edmondson (1939))
Fellowship in Musical Composition--Competition, 1929, 1938
Select: Fellowship in Musical Composition--Competition, 1929, 1938
Fellowship in Musical Composition--Recipients, 1921-1939
Select: Fellowship in Musical Composition--Recipients, 1921-1939 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with and about Leo Sowerby (1921), George H. Elwell (1924); Robert Sanders (1925), Roger Sessions (1928); Normand Lockwood (1929), Werner Jansson (1930), Herbert R. Inch (1931), Vittorio Giannini (1932), Hunter Johnson (1933), Samuel Barber (1935), Kent W. Kennan (1936), Frederick Woltmann (1937), Charles Nagasaki (1938), and William Denny (1939))
Finance Committee, 1933-1949
Select: Finance Committee, 1933-1949
Fraser, Leon (Treasurer), 1937-1945
Select: Fraser, Leon (Treasurer), 1937-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes biographical notes, census of property in foreign countries, and correspondence about McKim trust fund and estate)
French, Daniel Chester (Trustee; McKim Memorial Committee), 1919-1932
Select: French, Daniel Chester (Trustee; McKim Memorial Committee), 1919-1932 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning shipment of Jennewein's work, possibility of maintaining studios in New York for use by returning fellows, resignation from board)
Garden Club of America Fellowship, 1926
Select: Garden Club of America Fellowship, 1926 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding fellowship for landscape architecture)
G.I. Fellowships, 1945
Select: G.I. Fellowships, 1945 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about a proposal to offer fellowships to highly qualified soldiers who wish to study in Italy after discharge from the Army, notes on men interviewed for fellowships, finances)
Greene, Jerome D. (Trustee), 1937
Select: Greene, Jerome D. (Trustee), 1937 Scope and Contents note (letter from Ambassador Phillips conveying his positive regard for the academy)
Gugler, Eric (Trustee), 1918-1945
Select: Gugler, Eric (Trustee), 1918-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes request for assistance with a Latin inscription, correspondence concerning a farewell gift for director Stevens, competitions)
Hammond, Mason (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies; Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1935-1944
Select: Hammond, Mason (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies; Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1935-1944 Scope and Contents note (includes detailed administrative suggestions for the Classical School, suggestions regarding fellows and procedures for selecting fellows, dispersal of surplus academy publications, assisting former fellows in finding employment, detailed summary of war time conditions at the academy and information about remaining staff, Hammond's plans for military service, news of former students in military service, discussion of Hammond becoming acting director in Rome and factors influencing his ultimate decision not to accept the offer)
Hendrickson, G. L. (Professor in Charge, School of Classical Studies), undated, 1919-1921
Select: Hendrickson, G. L. (Professor in Charge, School of Classical Studies), undated, 1919-1921 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning summer school)
Hewlett, James Monroe (Director, Rome), 1931-1939
Select: Hewlett, James Monroe (Director, Rome), 1931-1939 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about staff and fellows, finances, reducing expenses, collaborative problems, "Special Report on the Disappearance of Werner Janssen's Bound Volumes of Musical Compositions," exhibitions, text of Professor Lamond's speech on the occasion of Mussolini's visit to the academy, housing, closing of Atelier, shipment of student work, trustee opinions about continuing Hewlett's appointment, text of Hewlett's radio address about the work of the Academy, Siro Maronita College's plans for expansion next door to the academy)
Institute of International Education, Paris, France, 1934-1936
Select: Institute of International Education, Paris, France, 1934-1936 Scope and Contents note (invitation to become an affiliate, academy's acceptance)
Inventory of Furniture and Equipment, 1941
Select: Inventory of Furniture and Equipment, 1941
James, Henry (First Vice President; Acting President), 1945
Select: James, Henry (First Vice President; Acting President), 1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning leave courses for servicemen to be held at the academy, question of whether employees on academy payroll may also accept payment for war work)
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectureship, 1917-1944
Select: Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectureship, 1917-1944 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning committee business, Jerome estate's investments)
Johnson, Allan C. (Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1944-1945
Select: Johnson, Allan C. (Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1944-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning retirement age for academy faculty, advisory council)
Juries, 1925-1940
Select: Juries, 1925-1940 Scope and Contents note (letters of appointment and acceptance)
Kendall, William M. (Trustee), 1921, 1936
Select: Kendall, William M. (Trustee), 1921, 1936
Kendall, William M.--Estate of, 1938-1942
Select: Kendall, William M.--Estate of, 1938-1942 Scope and Contents note (includes copy of his will naming the academy a beneficiary, memorial to Kendall by Royal Cortissoz)
La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), undated, 1915-1939
Select: La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), undated, 1915-1939 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding resignation of Edwin H. Blashfield from the board, memorial minute for Ferruccio Vitale, memorial minute for C. Grant La Farge)
Lamond, Felix (Professor of Music), undated, 1920-1941
Select: Lamond, Felix (Professor of Music), undated, 1920-1941 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about concerts, endowment committee, activities of fellows, Music magazine, Lamond's typical daily schedule, juries and competitions, problems with married students, text of radio address about the academy by Lamond, his music colony at Roquebrune, condolences on the death of Professor Lamond)
Lamond Fund [Lucretia Perry Osborn (Mrs. Henry Fairfield Osborn) Trust], 1926-1931 and 1940
Select: Lamond Fund [Lucretia Perry Osborn (Mrs. Henry Fairfield Osborn) Trust], 1926-1931 and 1940 Scope and Contents note (trust agreement and correspondence concerning distribution of the fund after Lamond's death)
Landscape Architecture, 1919-1946
Select: Landscape Architecture, 1919-1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about extending fellowships, fundraising for fellowships, circular of American Society of Landscape Architects outlining minimum professional training, list of participants in all landscape architecture competitions, fellowship competitions and procedures, exhibitions, accredited schools, Garden Club of America fellowship, reports on activities of former fellows)
Lazarus Fellowship, 1917-1940
Select: Lazarus Fellowship, 1917-1940 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning the Metropolitan Museum's use of work by Lazarus Fellows, appointment of fellows, list of fellows, resolutions of Metropolitan Museum trustees, increase in stipends)
Leases, 1936-1943
Select: Leases, 1936-1943 Scope and Contents note (regarding office space at 101 Park Ave., New York City)
Library Donations, 1923-1930
Select: Library Donations, 1923-1930
Library Orders, 1922-1945
Select: Library Orders, 1922-1945
Lord, Day & Lord (Legal Counsel), 1938-1944
Select: Lord, Day & Lord (Legal Counsel), 1938-1944 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding taxes, status of academy students under Selective Service Act)
Lord, Milton E. (Librarian), 1925-1930
Select: Lord, Milton E. (Librarian), 1925-1930 Scope and Contents note (mainly concerns his appointment)
McClellan, George B. (Trustee; Vice President; Chairman, Library Committee), undated, 1922-1938
Select: McClellan, George B. (Trustee; Vice President; Chairman, Library Committee), undated, 1922-1938 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about fellows, budget, library committee business, arrangements for McClellan's trip to Rome)
McCrea, Nelson G. (Professor of Classical Studies), 1921
Select: McCrea, Nelson G. (Professor of Classical Studies), 1921 Scope and Contents note (includes letter describing Villa Bellacci where MacCrea might live McDaniel, Walton Brooks (Annual Professor of Classical Studies), 1921)
McDaniel, Walton Brooks (Annual Professor of Classical Studies), 1921
Select: McDaniel, Walton Brooks (Annual Professor of Classical Studies), 1921
Mead, William R. (President), 1920-1927
Select: Mead, William R. (President), 1920-1927 Scope and Contents note (fundraising and Endowment Fund, Polasek's bust of McKim, exhibitions, establishment of an Atelier, fellows, administrative matters, competitions)
Mellon, Edward P. (Trustee; Chairman, Committee on Endowment), 1919-1925
Select: Mellon, Edward P. (Trustee; Chairman, Committee on Endowment), 1919-1925 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about fellows, endowment fund)
Mendell, Clarence W. (Committee on Publications), 1932-1941
Select: Mendell, Clarence W. (Committee on Publications), 1932-1941
Moe, Henry Allen (Trustee), 1943
Select: Moe, Henry Allen (Trustee), 1943
Morey, Charles R. (Director, Rome), 1945
Select: Morey, Charles R. (Director, Rome), 1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning salaries in Rome, leave courses at the academy for U.S. servicemen, condition of Villa Chiaraviglio
Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr. (Trustee), 1920
Select: Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr. (Trustee), 1920 Scope and Contents note (board resolution electing J. P. Morgan, Jr. a Founder of the American Academy in Rome in gratitude for debt cancellation)
Music Department, 1920-1942
Select: Music Department, 1920-1942 Scope and Contents note (includes a brief history of the department, proxies approving establishment of the department, fundraising, correspondence concerning musical fellowships and competitions, activities of fellows, dismissal of fellow Winter Watts, Horatio Parker Fellowship)
Music Publications, 1937-1945
Select: Music Publications, 1937-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes orders, correspondence regarding music manuscripts being considered for publication, contracts, invoices)
Nominating Committee, 1930-1944
Select: Nominating Committee, 1930-1944 Scope and Contents note (mainly notifications and acceptances of election)
Norton, Charles D. (Trustee), 1919-1923
Select: Norton, Charles D. (Trustee), 1919-1923 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about beginning to acquire additional land on the Janiculum, Norton's resolution for establishing a permanent Department of Music)
Ogle, Marbury B. (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies), 1931-1934
Select: Ogle, Marbury B. (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies), 1931-1934 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding his appointment, fellows, annual trip to Greece, advisory council, finances)
Osborn, Mrs. Henry Fairfield (Donor), 1922-1928
Select: Osborn, Mrs. Henry Fairfield (Donor), 1922-1928 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning Gala Concert, fundraising for the Department of Music)
Parrish, Samuel L. (Donor), 1924-1929
Select: Parrish, Samuel L. (Donor), 1924-1929 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning sculpture fellowships, Parrish's donation, appointment of Parrish Art Museum Fellow)
Pine, John B. (Legal Counsel), 1920-1922
Select: Pine, John B. (Legal Counsel), 1920-1922 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about revision of by-laws and constitution, memorial resolution)
Platt, Charles (Committee on the School of Fine Arts; President), 1922-1933
Select: Platt, Charles (Committee on the School of Fine Arts; President), 1922-1933 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning executive committee business, fellows, staff duties, housing, publications, architectural competition procedures, suggestions for additions to work required of the architectural students, married students, collaborative problem, exhibitions, appointment of director Hewlett, establishment of Alumni Medal, shipment of student work, reducing expenses and salaries in Rome, discussion of closing Villa Aurelia, memorial resolution)
Pope, John Russell (President), 1935-1938
Select: Pope, John Russell (President), 1935-1938 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about the library, staffing, finances, memorial resolution)
Prix de Rome Medal (designed by Harry Camden), undated, 1940-1942
Select: Prix de Rome Medal (designed by Harry Camden), undated, 1940-1942 Scope and Contents note (includes announcement of competition and related correspondence, arrangements for production of the winning design, thank you letters from recipients)
Publications, Annual Contributors Pamphlet, 1927-1928
Select: Publications, Annual Contributors Pamphlet, 1927-1928 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning specifications and production)
Publications, Mailing Lists, 1928-1939
Select: Publications, Mailing Lists, 1928-1939
Publications, Memoirs of The American Academy in Rome and Monographs Published , 1920-1941
Select: Publications, Memoirs of The American Academy in Rome and Monographs Published, 1920-1941 Scope and Contents note (includes lists of orders, correspondence concerning production, expenses, copyright)
Publications, Orders, 1920-1947
Select: Publications, Orders, 1920-1947
Publications, Villas and Grounds of Italy by Amey Aldrich and John Walker, 1938-1941
Select: Publications, Villas and Grounds of Italy by Amey Aldrich and John Walker, 1938-1941 Scope and Contents note (distribution list, correspondence regarding marketing of the pamphlet, orders)
Publicity, undated, 1921-1944
Select: Publicity, undated, 1921-1944 Scope and Contents note (news releases and related correspondence, invoices for printing)
Rand, Edward K. (Trustee; Committee on the School of Classical Studies; Committee on Publications), 1919-1931
Select: Rand, Edward K. (Trustee; Committee on the School of Classical Studies; Committee on Publications), 1919-1931 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning committee on publications business, summer school, contributing colleges)
Regional Competitions, 1941 and 1942
Select: Regional Competitions, 1941 and 1942 Scope and Contents note (includes announcement of competition for cash awards when war time conditions made it impossible to send fellows to Rome, correspondence with members of the Committee on the School of Fine Arts, participating institutions; lists of districts and supervisors, budgets, schedules, reorganization of districts, lists of jurors; see also: Cash Prize in Architecture)
Rolfe, John C. (Professor of Classics; Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1920-1940
Select: Rolfe, John C. (Professor of Classics; Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1920-1940 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning taxes, juries, publications, method of selecting fellows)
School of Classical Studies, undated, 1938-1943
Select: School of Classical Studies, undated, 1938-1943 Scope and Contents note (includes form letters addressed to the Friends of the School of Classical Studies, mainly concerning fundraising; also, letters about the Classical Society, scholarship competition, placement)
School of Classical Studies, Advisory Council, 1922-1945
Select: School of Classical Studies, Advisory Council, 1922-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about representatives appointed to the advisory council, contributing colleges, juries, fundraising, prize scholarships; also, lists of members, committees, juries)
School of Classical Studies, College and University Annual Subscriptions, 1920-1931
Select: School of Classical Studies, College and University Annual Subscriptions, 1920-1931
School of Classical Studies, Lists of Directors and Professors, 1895-1933
Select: School of Classical Studies, Lists of Directors and Professors, 1895-1933
School of Classical Studies, Lists of Students/Fellows, 1895-1933
Select: School of Classical Studies, Lists of Students/Fellows, 1895-1933
School of Classical Studies, Summer Sessions, 1923-1939
Select: School of Classical Studies, Summer Sessions, 1923-1939 Scope and Contents note (no sessions held 1933-1936; includes correspondence concerning publicity, appointment of Grant Showerman as director of the program, enrollment, form letters to participants, memorial book fund, discontinuation of summer sessions due to the Depression, requests to reinstate the program, plans for resuming the program, hiring of Professor Rowell, curriculum, travel arrangements, pension reservations; sample diploma, report)
School of Fine Arts--Advisory Council, 1924-1928
Select: School of Fine Arts--Advisory Council, 1924-1928 Scope and Contents note (includes form letter outlining council functions, letters from colleges supporting the idea of establishing a council with recommendations for representatives, letters of appointment and acceptance, fellowship competitions; also, list of members and jury chairmen)
Shipments of Students' Work, undated, 1932-1938
Select: Shipments of Students' Work, undated, 1932-1938
Smith, James Kellum (Committee on the School of Fine Arts; Acting Treasurer; President), 1935-1945
Select: Smith, James Kellum (Committee on the School of Fine Arts; Acting Treasurer; President), 1935-1945 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about administrative matters, provisions for Benton and Professor Van Buren, recommendations concerning Villa Aurelia)
Sowerby, Leo, undated, 1935-1944
Select: Sowerby, Leo, undated, 1935-1944 Scope and Contents note (includes press release, correspondence concerning recommendation for publication, nominating committee business)
Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1919-1932
Select: Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1919-1932 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning Red Cross use of academy facilities, extension of fellowship time, shipment of student work, Thrasher-Ward Memorial competition, exhibitions, fellows, collaborative problems, publications, summer school, staffing, housing, Manship fountain, contributing colleges, fundraising, retirement annuities, travel plans, library, assisting fellows with finding work upon their return to America, unveiling of the McKim and Founders' Monuments with color drawings of suggested academic regalia, suggestions for Classical School improvements, opposition to appointment of married fellows)
Taxes, 1932-1943
Select: Taxes, 1932-1943
Taylor, Lily Ross (Fellow in Archaeology), 1920-1923
Select: Taylor, Lily Ross (Fellow in Archaeology), 1920-1923 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about opening opportunities for women fellow in the School of Fine Arts, housing for women students fundraising for this purpose)
Thrasher-Ward Memorial Competition, undated, 1920-1925
Select: Thrasher-Ward Memorial Competition, undated, 1920-1925 Scope and Contents note (competition announcement,; correspondence concerning inscription, unveiling; photograph of drawing for the memorial; site plan)
Trowbridge, Breck (Committee on the School of Fine Arts), 1919-1925
Select: Trowbridge, Breck (Committee on the School of Fine Arts), 1919-1925 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about extension of fellowship time, married fellows, memorial resolution)
U.S. Trust Company, 1919-1944
Select: U.S. Trust Company, 1919-1944
Van Buren, Albert W. (Museum Curator; Editor; Professor of Archaeology), 1933-1945
Select: Van Buren, Albert W. (Museum Curator; Editor; Professor of Archaeology), 1933-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning publications, annuity policy, authors requests for distribution of offprints, VanBuren's plans to remain at the academy for the duration of the war, bank deposits, requests for Van Buren's friends to ship food, thank you letters for gifts of food packages, progress report on museum inventory, letter of thanks from U.S. Army for leave courses taught by Professor Van Buren)
Villa Aurelia, 1944-1945
Select: Villa Aurelia, 1944-1945 Scope and Contents note (includes "Birds Eye View of the Villa Aurelia and adjoining lands on the Janiculum Hill, Rome," floor plan, opinions on advisability of selling the property, report of Special Committee on Villa Aurelia)
Walker, John (Trustee), 1940-1944
Select: Walker, John (Trustee), 1940-1944
Wilkins, H. Blakiston (Executive Secretary, Rome), 1919-1921
Select: Wilkins, H. Blakiston (Executive Secretary, Rome), 1919-1921 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence noting arrival of staff, fellows, and affiliated students, shipment of student work, academic council, housing, publications, expenses, exchange rate, purchase of truck for Academy, proper Italian title for Wilkins, policy and practice regarding traveling fellows, contributions to the library)
Meriwether Stuart (Executive Secretary)
Select: Meriwether Stuart (Executive Secretary)
General Correspondence, 1946
Select: General Correspondence, 1946
Baldwin, Sherman (Legal Counsel), 1946
Select: Baldwin, Sherman (Legal Counsel), 1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning taxes)
Beebe, Dwight (Finance Committee), 1946
Select: Beebe, Dwight (Finance Committee), 1946 Scope and Contents note (finance committee business, budget)
Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1946
Select: Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1946
Classical Scholarships, 1946
Select: Classical Scholarships, 1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with competitors and recipients; includes receipts for payment of stipends, recipients' plans for the coming academic year)
Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, 1946
Select: Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes form letter about Hale P. Benton's situation with an appeal to alumni for financial assistance; also, correspondence regarding the newsletter)
Council of the Academy, 1946
Select: Council of the Academy, 1946 Scope and Contents note (printed list of council members, letters of appointment and acceptance)
Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1945-1946
Select: Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1945-1946 Scope and Contents note (includes 1944-45 annual report, monthly reports, cash statements)
Davico-Longobardi Salary and Dollar Balances, 1945-1946
Select: Davico-Longobardi Salary and Dollar Balances, 1945-1946
Dinsmoor, William Bell (Secretary), 1945-1946
Select: Dinsmoor, William Bell (Secretary), 1945-1946
Fulbright Bill, 1946
Select: Fulbright Bill, 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes "Report on Trip to Washington in Interest of Fulbright Bill," letters to friends of the Academy requesting that they urge their representatives to support the bill)
G.I. Fellowships, 1946
Select: G.I. Fellowships, 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence with State Department and individual students about fellowships and veterans' benefits)
Johnson, Allan C. (Trustee; Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1945-1946
Select: Johnson, Allan C. (Trustee; Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1945-1946
Library, 1945-1946
Select: Library, 1945-1946 Scope and Contents note (includes memorandum on the library's conditions and needs, lists of periodicals received, correspondence discussing library procedures and acquisitions)
Library Committee, 1946
Select: Library Committee, 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes bibliography of works in classical and related studies published in the United States during World War II, correspondence about purchases)
Library Orders/Payments, 1946
Select: Library Orders/Payments, 1946
Mendell, Clarence (Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1946
Select: Mendell, Clarence (Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about Jerome Lectureship Fund, library, reopening of the academy)
Morey, C. R. (Acting Director), 1945-1946
Select: Morey, C. R. (Acting Director), 1945-1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning expenses, exchange rate, library, G.I. fellows, Ambassador's interest in renting Villa Aurelia, board action on Professor Van Buren's retirement, housing, appointment of director Roberts, repairs to Villa Aurelia, difficulties in hiring a librarian, Fulbright Bill)
Music Publications, 1946
Select: Music Publications, 1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and estimate relating to possible publication of symphony by Arthur Kreutz)
Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), 1946
Select: Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning Fulbright Bill, library, and fellowships)
Smith, James Kellum (President), 1946
Select: Smith, James Kellum (President), 1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about the library)
Trustees, 1945-1946
Select: Trustees, 1945-1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning G.I. Bill of Rights, nominations, elections, assistance to Professor and Mrs. Van Buren; also, form letters, attendance record)
Van Buren, Albert W. (Museum Curator; Editor; Professor of Archaeology), 1945-1946
Select: Van Buren, Albert W. (Museum Curator; Editor; Professor of Archaeology), 1945-1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning annuity deposits to Professor Van Buren's account)
Vatican Payments, 1945-1946
Select: Vatican Payments, 1945-1946 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about loans to the academy during World War II)
Mary T. Williams (Executive Secretary)
Select: Mary T. Williams (Executive Secretary)
Baldwin, Sherman (Legal Counsel), 1946-1947
Select: Baldwin, Sherman (Legal Counsel), 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about tax exemptions and bequests; also, memorial minute)
Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1946-1947
Select: Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1946-1947
Brown, Frank E. (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies), 1947
Select: Brown, Frank E. (Professor in Charge of Classical Studies), 1947 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning travel arrangements)
Budget, 1947-1948
Select: Budget, 1947-1948
Classical Society of The American Academy in Rome, 1946-1947
Select: Classical Society of The American Academy in Rome, 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding finances and scholarships; also, list of Classical Fellows, list of Classicists connected with the academy prior to 1913)
Council of the Academy, 1947
Select: Council of the Academy, 1947 Scope and Contents note (notices of election and letters of acceptance)
Customs Duty, 1949-1950
Select: Customs Duty, 1949-1950 Scope and Contents note (correspondence and receipts regarding shipments of books and music scores from Rome)
Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1946-1947
Select: Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence concerning disposition of personal property stored at the academy, repairs to be paid, travel arrangements)
Endowment Fund, 1950
Select: Endowment Fund, 1950 Scope and Contents note (correspondence relating to a small residual account of the Boston Committee on deposit since 1932)
Finance Committee, 1946-1947
Select: Finance Committee, 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence about outstanding debts due the Ely Loan Fund and Olmsted Travel Fund)
Fulbright Bill, 1946-1957
Select: Fulbright Bill, 1946-1957 Scope and Contents note (correspondence regarding assistance for study abroad, with related newspaper clippings)
Library, undated, 1946
Select: Library, undated, 1946 Scope and Contents note (procedure for the purchase of publications for the library; lists of books and periodicals)
McIlhenny, Henry (Trustee), 1947
Select: McIlhenny, Henry (Trustee), 1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning arrangements for him to deliver a small package to the academy when he travels to Rome)
Mendell, Clarence (Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1946-1947
Select: Mendell, Clarence (Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding requests to defer fellowships, senior scholarships, appointment of Professor Brown)
Moore, Lamont (Assistant Director, Rome), 1947
Select: Moore, Lamont (Assistant Director, Rome), 1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning travel arrangements, taxes)
Morey, C. R. (Acting Director), 1947
Select: Morey, C. R. (Acting Director), 1947
Music Publications, 1947-1948
Select: Music Publications, 1947-1948 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence and estimates for publication of scores by Robert Sanders and Arthur Kreutz)
Musicology, School of, Summer Session at the American Academy in Rome, 1947
Select: Musicology, School of, Summer Session at the American Academy in Rome, 1947 Scope and Contents note (includes printed brochure, correspondence regarding admission, travel arrangements, payment of tuition)
Nominating Committee, 1947
Select: Nominating Committee, 1947
Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), undated, 1946-1947
Select: Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), undated, 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding travel arrangements, personal possessions stored at the academy, excavation at Veii, summer school, food and soap shortages, summer school, Lazarus Fellowship fund, repairs to academy buildings, fellowships, housing and inability to accommodate families with children, taxes, finances, Watkins' change of plans due to his wife's poor health, exchange rate, Villa Richardson)
Rowell, Henry T. (Director, Summer Sessions), 1948
Select: Rowell, Henry T. (Director, Summer Sessions), 1948
Smith, James Kellum (President), 1946
Select: Smith, James Kellum (President), 1946
Visitors at the Academy and Requests to Visit, A-Z, 1947
Select: Visitors at the Academy and Requests to Visit, A-Z, 1947
Warsher, Tatiana (CARE packages), 1947-1948
Select: Warsher, Tatiana (CARE packages), 1947-1948
Watkins, Franklin C, (Trustee), 1947
Select: Watkins, Franklin C, (Trustee), 1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning his appointment as artist in residence, inquiry about artists supplies currently available in Italy with list of items required, change of plans due to his wife's poor health, notice of election to board of trustees)
George K. Boyce (Librarian)
Select: George K. Boyce (Librarian)
General Correspondence, 1940-1941
Select: General Correspondence, 1940-1941
Serials Correspondence, 1940-1941
Select: Serials Correspondence, 1940-1941
Phillips B. Robinson (Endowment Fund Campaign Secretary), Correspondence, 1913-1914
Select: Phillips B. Robinson (Endowment Fund Campaign Secretary), Correspondence, 1913-1914 Scope and Contents note (with endowment committee members concerning prospective donors, fundraising plans, preparation of pamphlet)
Edgar I. Williams (Endowment Fund Campaign Secretary)
Select: Edgar I. Williams (Endowment Fund Campaign Secretary)
Correspondence, 1919-1920
Select: Correspondence, 1919-1920 Scope and Contents note (concerning continuation of endowment fund campaign, work of Boston Committee, alumni endowment fund)
Financial Records, 1920
Select: Financial Records, 1920 Scope and Contents note (expenses and petty cash)
Fundraising Book, 1919-1920
Select: Fundraising Book, 1919-1920 Scope and Contents note (text and related correspondence)
Fundraising Events, 1920
Select: Fundraising Events, 1920 Scope and Contents note (Academic reception, Feb. 24, and Italy America Society dinner, March 5)
Lists, Alumni, 1919-1920
Select: Lists, Alumni, 1919-1920
Lists, Committees, 1919-1920
Select: Lists, Committees, 1919-1920
Lists, Mailing, 1919-1920
Select: Lists, Mailing, 1919-1920
Lists, Possible Contributors, 1919-1920
Select: Lists, Possible Contributors, 1919-1920
Lists, Subscribers, 1919-1920
Select: Lists, Subscribers, 1919-1920