Charles F. McKim
Select: Charles F. McKim
General Correspondence, undated, 1898-1909
Select: General Correspondence, undated, 1898-1909
Abbott, Samuel A.B. (Director, Rome), 1898-1903
Select: Abbott, Samuel A.B. (Director, Rome), 1898-1903
Barney, Charles T. (Treasurer), 1905-1906
Select: Barney, Charles T. (Treasurer), 1905-1906
Blashfield, Edwin H. (Trustee), 1899-1907
Select: Blashfield, Edwin H. (Trustee), 1899-1907 Scope and Contents note (includes letters concerning mural painting, incorporation, and the importance of establishing a library)
Breck, George W. (Director, Rome), 1904-1905
Select: Breck, George W. (Director, Rome), 1904-1905
Clay, George S. (Legal Counsel), 1897-1901
Select: Clay, George S. (Legal Counsel), 1897-1901 Scope and Contents note (regarding legal matters, incorporation, and Endowment Fund subscriptions)
Ely, Theodore N. (Vice President), 1900-1905
Select: Ely, Theodore N. (Vice President), 1900-1905 Scope and Contents note (administrative matters, mainly incorporation and Endowment Fund subscriptions)
French, Daniel C. (Trustee), 1899-1905
Select: French, Daniel C. (Trustee), 1899-1905 Scope and Contents note (includes letter of endorsement intended for use in Academy pamphlet)
Incorporation of AAR and Endowment Fundraising, undated, 1900-1907
Select: Incorporation of AAR and Endowment Fundraising, undated, 1900-1907 Scope and Contents note (includes 6 bar graphs stored in OV folder 104 charting the progress of the Endowment Fund, 1905)
Mead, William R. (Trustee), 1905
Select: Mead, William R. (Trustee), 1905
Millet, Frank D. (Secretary), undated, 1904-1906
Select: Millet, Frank D. (Secretary), undated, 1904-1906
Mowbray, H. Siddons (Secretary; Director, Rome), 1900-1905
Select: Mowbray, H. Siddons (Secretary; Director, Rome), 1900-1905 Scope and Contents note (mainly concerning expenses)
Rockefeller, John D., Sr. (Trustee), 1905-1907
Select: Rockefeller, John D., Sr. (Trustee), 1905-1907
St. Gaudens, Augustus (Trustee), undated, 1899-1905
Select: St. Gaudens, Augustus (Trustee), undated, 1899-1905 Scope and Contents note (includes letter of endorsement intended for use in Academy pamphlet)
Villa Aurora Lease, 1898-1902
Select: Villa Aurora Lease, 1898-1902
Villa Mirafiore Purchase, 1903-1906
Select: Villa Mirafiore Purchase, 1903-1906 Scope and Contents note (includes letters outlining plans for renovations and staffing suggestions)
Walters, Henry (Trustee), undated, 1899-1906
Select: Walters, Henry (Trustee), undated, 1899-1906 Scope and Contents note (about purchase of Villa Mirafiore and Walters' subscription)
William R. Mead
Select: William R. Mead
General Correspondence, 1910-1928
Select: General Correspondence, 1910-1928
Association of the Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1916-1922
Select: Association of the Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1916-1922
Blashfield, Edwin H. (Trustee), 1911-1926
Select: Blashfield, Edwin H. (Trustee), 1911-1926 Scope and Contents note (includes letters concerning Academy directorship, Rinehart Scholarship, the modern trend in art)
Boring, William A. (Treasurer), undated, 1911-1928
Select: Boring, William A. (Treasurer), undated, 1911-1928
Burnham Memorial Scholarship, 1914-1918
Select: Burnham Memorial Scholarship, 1914-1918
Carnegie Corporation/Foundation, 1909, 1917-1924
Select: Carnegie Corporation/Foundation, 1909, 1917-1924 Scope and Contents note (regarding funding for the Department of Music)
Carter, Jesse Benedict (American School of Classical Studies in Rome; Director, Rome), 1911-1917
Select: Carter, Jesse Benedict (American School of Classical Studies in Rome; Director, Rome), 1911-1917 Scope and Contents note (includes letters mentioning ideas for administration after merging with the American School of Classical Studies in Rome, reports on the new building and Janiculum improvements, fundraising activities, government use of Villa Mirafiore for war purposes, expenses, letters from Mrs. Carter following her husband's death)
Clark, Charles Upson (Director, School of Classical Studies), undated, 1914-1918
Select: Clark, Charles Upson (Director, School of Classical Studies), undated, 1914-1918 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about Clark's lecture tours and the unlikelihood of reappointment as Director of the School of Classical Studies; also, lecture announcements, reprints of book review, article by Clark, biographical sketch)
Consolidation Plan, 1911
Select: Consolidation Plan, 1911 Scope and Contents note (includes "A Suggestion concerning the organization of the American Academy in Rome" with an estimated budget; consolidation plan, July 17, 1911; and "Plan of the American Academy in Rome: Rules and Regulations submitted by the Plan and Scope Committee and passed by the Executive committee at its meeting, Sept. 25, 1911")
Crowninshield, Frederic (Director, Rome) and Mrs. Crowninshield, 1910-1911; 1918-1919
Select: Crowninshield, Frederic (Director, Rome) and Mrs. Crowninshield, 1910-1911; 1918-1919 Scope and Contents note (administrative matters and resignation; engrossed copy of memorial resolution on the death of Crowninshield, 1918; letter to Mrs. Crowninshield)
Curtis, C. Densmore (Professor of Archaeology), 1923-1924
Select: Curtis, C. Densmore (Professor of Archaeology), 1923-1924
Ely, Theodore N. (Vice President), undated, 1911-1916
Select: Ely, Theodore N. (Vice President), undated, 1911-1916 Scope and Contents note (includes Janiculum improvements, Ely Loan Fund, and fundraising)
Endowment, undated, 1909-1927
Select: Endowment, undated, 1909-1927 Scope and Contents note (includes lists of subscribers, Rockefeller Foundation correspondence, letters concerning the McKim memorial; correspondence with Charles D. Norton, and Endowment Committee chairman. For bar graph charting progress of endowment for fellowships, 1919 see OV folder 104)
Fairbanks, Frank P. (Professor in Charge, School of Fine Arts), undated, 1921-1926
Select: Fairbanks, Frank P. (Professor in Charge, School of Fine Arts), undated, 1921-1926
Fellows, 1922-1926
Select: Fellows, 1922-1926 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with fellows including request for permission to marry, letter of recommendation, and suggestions from a former fellow for improving the Academy)
French, Daniel C. (Trustee), 1911-1924
Select: French, Daniel C. (Trustee), 1911-1924 Scope and Contents note (regarding the appointment of Carter as director, finances, Morgan's contribution; letters about fellowship appointments)
Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1920-1926
Select: Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1920-1926 Scope and Contents note (mainly routine administrative matters; includes discussion of fellowship in Landscape Architecture, Department of Music)
Hendrickson, G.L. (Professor in Charge, School of Classical Studies), 1919
Select: Hendrickson, G.L. (Professor in Charge, School of Classical Studies), 1919
La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), Wolfe, W.R. (Assistant Secretary) and Moses, Lionel (Assistant Secretary), undated, 1912-1926
Select: La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), Wolfe, W.R. (Assistant Secretary) and Moses, Lionel (Assistant Secretary), undated, 1912-1926 Scope and Contents note (mainly routine administrative affairs; also, letters regarding appointment of Carter as director and his subsequent performance; discussions of vacation or home leave for fine arts fellows, the possibility of women fellows)
Lamond Fund, 1924-1928
Select: Lamond Fund, 1924-1928 Scope and Contents note (established by Mrs. Henry Fairfield Osborne for the benefit of Major Lamond, with the principal to be applied to the landscape architecture fellowship)
Landscape Architecture, 1920-1923
Select: Landscape Architecture, 1920-1923 Scope and Contents note (concerns establishing permanently funded fellowships)
Leavitt, Charles W., 1906-1909
Select: Leavitt, Charles W., 1906-1909 Scope and Contents note (received by Meade in 1921; correspondence with Major and Mrs. Heyland about Villa Aurelia)
McClellan, George B. (Trustee), 1920-1926
Select: McClellan, George B. (Trustee), 1920-1926 Scope and Contents note (letters from Rome reporting observations on the administration of the Academy and the state of its physical plant, discussion of administrative and board matters)
McKim Memorial Fund/Column, undated, 1909-1924
Select: McKim Memorial Fund/Column, undated, 1909-1924 Scope and Contents note (includes circular, lists of subscribers, correspondence with Albin Polasek about his bust of McKim)
Mellon, Edward P. (Acting Secretary), 1918-1922
Select: Mellon, Edward P. (Acting Secretary), 1918-1922
Millet, Frank D. (Secretary) and Wolfe, W.R. (Assistant Secretary), undated, 1909-1912
Select: Millet, Frank D. (Secretary) and Wolfe, W.R. (Assistant Secretary), undated, 1909-1912 Scope and Contents note (includes suggestions for fellowship competition, and reports on competition results, Endowment Fund review, Villa Aurelia, fundraising, report on visit of J. P. Morgan, Sr., discussion of new building and purchase of additional Janiculum properties, Carter's appointment as Director)
Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr. (Trustee), undated, 1914-1920
Select: Morgan, J. Pierpont, Jr. (Trustee), undated, 1914-1920 Scope and Contents note (proposal to cancel debt if matched by contributions to endowment fund, with responses from various trustees)
Morgan, J. Pierpont, Sr. (Trustee), 1911-1913
Select: Morgan, J. Pierpont, Sr. (Trustee), 1911-1913 Scope and Contents note (summary of Mead's and Trowbrige's interview with Morgan, agreement to advance funds to academy for construction)
Music Department, 1921
Select: Music Department, 1921 Scope and Contents note (concerning Carnegie Corporation funding)
New Building, 1914
Select: New Building, 1914 Scope and Contents note (includes bird's eye view of Villa Aurelia and Janiculum property, estimate for cost of library decoration, list of fixtures to be installed, cost of furniture, plans of salon dining room with drawings of furniture)
Nominating Committee, 1914-1920
Select: Nominating Committee, 1914-1920
Norton, Charles D. (Trustee; Nominating, Executive and Endowment Committees), undated, 1914-1922
Select: Norton, Charles D. (Trustee; Nominating, Executive and Endowment Committees), undated, 1914-1922 Scope and Contents note (includes engrossed copy of minute and resolution passed by the trustees upon Norton's death)
Parrish, Samuel L. (Donor), 1924
Select: Parrish, Samuel L. (Donor), 1924 Scope and Contents note (correspondence concerning the desire of the Parrish Art Museum to fund a three year fellowship at the Academy for sculptors)
Pine, J. B. (Legal Counsel), 1910-1921
Select: Pine, J. B. (Legal Counsel), 1910-1921 Scope and Contents note (discussion of title for the chief executive officer of the Academy, also resignation of Wilkins as executive secretary in Rome)
Richardson, William Symmes (Professor of Fine Arts), undated, 1923-1926
Select: Richardson, William Symmes (Professor of Fine Arts), undated, 1923-1926 Scope and Contents note (regarding purchase of adjacent land and a planned bequest to the academy)
Rockefeller, John D., Jr./Rockefeller Foundation (Benefactor), 1922-1923, 1927
Select: Rockefeller, John D., Jr./Rockefeller Foundation (Benefactor), 1922-1923, 1927 Scope and Contents note (about contribution to endowment fund and election as a founder)
Rotch Traveling Scholarship, 1913
Select: Rotch Traveling Scholarship, 1913 Scope and Contents note (includes printed circular describing the program, general correspondence)
Schiff, Mortimer (Donor), 1923
Select: Schiff, Mortimer (Donor), 1923
Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1911-circa 1916
Select: Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1911-circa 1916 Scope and Contents note (news release announcing Stevens's appointment, frequent detailed correspondence about the affairs of the academy and activities of staff, fellows, finances, fundraising, progress of new building construction and plans for interior finishing and furnishings, exhibition plans, Carter's death, proposal for Academy sponsored Atelier in Rome)
Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1916-1922
Select: Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1916-1922
Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), circa 1922-1928
Select: Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), circa 1922-1928
Trowbridge, S. Breck (Chairman, Committee on the School of Fine Arts; Vice President), 1910-1926
Select: Trowbridge, S. Breck (Chairman, Committee on the School of Fine Arts; Vice President), 1910-1926
Trustees, 1910-1927
Select: Trustees, 1910-1927 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with individual trustees, usually of a routine nature; also includes subjects of great interest to particular trustees; a small number of letters are form letters addressed to the trustees in general)
Van Buren, A. W. (Librarian), 1915-1924
Select: Van Buren, A. W. (Librarian), 1915-1924
Villa Aurelia see also: Leavitt, Charles W., 1909-1915
Select: Villa Aurelia see also: Leavitt, Charles W., 1909-1915 Scope and Contents note (includes copy of will of Clara J. Heyland; correspondence regarding bequest, probable contesting of will by her brother and the resulting settlement; correspondence about furnishings with lists of fixtures, etc. For drawing of billiard table see OV folder 37)
Villa Aurelia--Additional Taxes, 1910-1913
Select: Villa Aurelia--Additional Taxes, 1910-1913 Scope and Contents note (includes copy of settlement agreement with Jessup)
Villa Mirafiore, 1913
Select: Villa Mirafiore, 1913 Scope and Contents note (regarding proposed rental for embassy use)
Walters, Henry (Trustee; Finance Committee), 1910-1924
Select: Walters, Henry (Trustee; Finance Committee), 1910-1924 Scope and Contents note (includes letters concerning his donation, academy finances, Villa Aurelia)
West, Andrew (Managing Committee, American School of Classical Studies in Rome; Trustee; Chairman, Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1911-1926
Select: West, Andrew (Managing Committee, American School of Classical Studies in Rome; Trustee; Chairman, Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1911-1926 Scope and Contents note (includes letters concerning the consolidation agreement with the American School of Classical Studies in Rome, appointment of Carter as Director, School of Classical Studies business, Endowment Fund campaign, Carter Memorial Fellowship)
Wilkins, H. Blakiston (Executive Secretary, Rome), 1919-1921
Select: Wilkins, H. Blakiston (Executive Secretary, Rome), 1919-1921 Scope and Contents note (routine business; dissatisfaction with title)
Charles Platt
Select: Charles Platt
General Correspondence, 1928-1933
Select: General Correspondence, 1928-1933
Association of the Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1929-1931
Select: Association of the Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1929-1931 Scope and Contents note (appointment to jury, request for representation in exhibition)
Boring, William A. (Treasurer), 1928-1933
Select: Boring, William A. (Treasurer), 1928-1933 Scope and Contents note (includes "Outline of the Situation as to Housing the Professor in Charge of the School of Classical Studies"; letter written by Boring while visiting Rome describes immediate problems (mainly domestic) at the academy; suggestion for board appointments)
Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1929
Select: Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1929
Egbert, James C. (Committee on Nominations; Chairman, Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1929-1933
Select: Egbert, James C. (Committee on Nominations; Chairman, Committee on the School of Classical Studies), 1929-1933 Scope and Contents note (includes detailed discussion about substituting the term "students" for "visiting students")
Fairbanks, Frank P. (Professor in Charge, School of Fine Arts), 1930-1932
Select: Fairbanks, Frank P. (Professor in Charge, School of Fine Arts), 1930-1932 Scope and Contents note (includes detailed discussions of fellows and their work)
Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1928-1933
Select: Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1928-1933 Scope and Contents note (general administrative correspondence; copies of letters from Rome; also, letters about 1928 and 1929 Collaborative Problems, recommendations for studio equipment, fellows)
Hewlett, James Monroe (Director, Rome), 1931-1933
Select: Hewlett, James Monroe (Director, Rome), 1931-1933 Scope and Contents note (includes discussion of rule against married fellows, finances, domestic problems among the fellows, closing of Atelier, changes in duration of fellowships, Mussolini's visit to the Academy, plans for reducing expenses, Italian income tax, exhibitions)
La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), 1929-1931
Select: La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), 1929-1931
Lamond, Felix (Professor of Music), 1929-1933
Select: Lamond, Felix (Professor of Music), 1929-1933 Scope and Contents note (plan to establish a small music colony in Europe for use of academy alumni, suggestions for Music Department improvements, voluntary salary reductions to ease the academy's financial situation)
Lord, Milton (Librarian), 1929-1930
Select: Lord, Milton (Librarian), 1929-1930
Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1928-1932
Select: Stevens, Gorham Phillips (Director, Rome), 1928-1932 Scope and Contents note (includes discussion of administrative responsibilities of various staff, rule requiring that fellows be unmarried, housing needs of staff and students, collaborative problem, ideas for curriculum changes, question of women fellows, Stevens's upcoming departure, proposals for reducing expenses, fellows, offer of a museum collection, appointment of Hewlett as director)
Trustees, 1928-1933
Select: Trustees, 1928-1933 Scope and Contents note (includes account of McClellan's visit to Rome and observations about personnel matters, nominations, Meeks' suggestions for a more demanding schedule for architectural fellows, impressions of fellows, report of visiting professor William A. Boring (1930), Pope's criticism of collaborative problem submissions, Mrs. Cresson's [daughter of Daniel Chester French] proposed bequest, and routine business of the board)
Van Buren, Albert W. (Curator of Museum; Editor; Professor of Archaeology), 1930
Select: Van Buren, Albert W. (Curator of Museum; Editor; Professor of Archaeology), 1930
Wright, W. E. (Librarian), 1933
Select: Wright, W. E. (Librarian), 1933
John Russell Pope
Select: John Russell Pope
General Correspondence, undated, 1933-1937
Select: General Correspondence, undated, 1933-1937
Association of the Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1933-1937
Select: Association of the Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1933-1937 Scope and Contents note (mainly form letters)
Aldrich, Chester H. (Director, Rome), 1935-1937
Select: Aldrich, Chester H. (Director, Rome), 1935-1937 Scope and Contents note (news of activities in Rome and New York with passing references to the war and political conditions, evaluation of fellows and professors, finances and budget, Italian income tax, detailed account of fellow Bisbee's illness)
Boring, William A. (Treasurer), undated, 1933-1937
Select: Boring, William A. (Treasurer), undated, 1933-1937
Fellowship in Architecture, 1935-1937
Select: Fellowship in Architecture, 1935-1937
Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1933-1937
Select: Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1933-1937 Scope and Contents note (mainly routine business; includes letters about matters to be discussed by the board and committees)
Hewlett, James Monroe (Director, Rome), undated, 1933-1935
Select: Hewlett, James Monroe (Director, Rome), undated, 1933-1935 Scope and Contents note (concerning finances, fellows and staff, comments regarding Hewlett's tenure as director, statement on modernism by J. R. Pope, King and Queen's visit to annual exhibition)
La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), undated, 1933-1934
Select: La Farge, C. Grant (Secretary), undated, 1933-1934
Lamond, Felix (Professor of Music), 1934-1935
Select: Lamond, Felix (Professor of Music), 1934-1935 Scope and Contents note (correspondence about fellows)
Schnacke, M. K. (Librarian), 1935
Select: Schnacke, M. K. (Librarian), 1935
Trustees, undated, 1933-1937
Select: Trustees, undated, 1933-1937 Scope and Contents note (routine business; also, letters concerning nominations, Director Hewlett, and appointment of Aldrich as director, observations of the academy and its fellows by McClellan when visiting Rome, finances and investments, Lazarus Fellowship, exhibitions, Carnegie grant to library)
Walker, John III (Associate in Charge of the School of Fine Arts, Rome), 1936
Select: Walker, John III (Associate in Charge of the School of Fine Arts, Rome), 1936
James Kellum Smith
Select: James Kellum Smith
General Correspondence, undated, 1938-1957
Select: General Correspondence, undated, 1938-1957
Aldrich, Amey (Acting Director, Rome), 1941
Select: Aldrich, Amey (Acting Director, Rome), 1941
Aldrich, Chester H. (Director, Rome), 1937-1941
Select: Aldrich, Chester H. (Director, Rome), 1937-1941 Scope and Contents note (ideas and suggestions for improving the academy, activities of fellows and staff, reducing expenses, annual exhibition, suicide of librarian Schnacke, declaration of war and its effects on the academy, death of Aldrich)
Association of Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1938-1948
Select: Association of Alumni of the American Academy in Rome, 1938-1948 Scope and Contents note (mostly form letters)
Baldwin, Henry de Forest (Trustee; Legal Counsel), 1939-1945
Select: Baldwin, Henry de Forest (Trustee; Legal Counsel), 1939-1945 Scope and Contents note (mainly requests for legal advice regarding the Finance Committee)
Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1945-1946
Select: Bradford, Lindsay (Treasurer), 1945-1946
Budget, 1939-1947
Select: Budget, 1939-1947
Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, 1940-1948
Select: Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, 1940-1948
Committee in Charge of the American Academy in Rome Minutes, 1941
Select: Committee in Charge of the American Academy in Rome Minutes, 1941 Scope and Contents note (minutes of meeting at which details of closing the academy were decided)
Committee on the School of Classical Studies, 1938-1954
Select: Committee on the School of Classical Studies, 1938-1954 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with Advisory Council; discussions of facilities for women students, passport problems, fellows; correspondence with individual committee members and with contributing colleges and universities; proposal for new periodical; post war planning and library)
Committee on the School of Fine Arts, 1938-1945
Select: Committee on the School of Fine Arts, 1938-1945 Scope and Contents note (public relations, alternate plans for Rome Prize during wartime, reconsideration of policies)
Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1938-1943
Select: Davico, Riccardo (Secretary, Rome), 1938-1943
Dinsmoor, William B. (Secretary; Second Vice President), 1938-1946
Select: Dinsmoor, William B. (Secretary; Second Vice President), 1938-1946 Scope and Contents note (about Smith's decision to return to the Air Force; thoughts on possible post-war annexation of libraries)
Ely Loan Fund, 1946-1947
Select: Ely Loan Fund, 1946-1947 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with recipient)
Fellowship in Architecture/Cash Prize in Architecture, 1938-1942
Select: Fellowship in Architecture/Cash Prize in Architecture, 1938-1942 Scope and Contents note (includes thoughts on fellowship competition and its regulations, suggestions for jury members, and letters of recommendation)
Finance Committee, 1938-1953
Select: Finance Committee, 1938-1953
Fraser, Leon (Treasurer), 1939-1944
Select: Fraser, Leon (Treasurer), 1939-1944
Fulbright Bill, 1946
Select: Fulbright Bill, 1946
Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1938-1945
Select: Guernsey, Roscoe (Executive Secretary), 1938-1945 Scope and Contents note (routine business; also, correspondence about fellowship juries and competitions, investments, and fellows)
Invitations, 1938-1947
Select: Invitations, 1938-1947 Scope and Contents note (regarding sending delegates to inaugural and ceremonial functions)
James, Henry (Vice President; Acting President), 1945
Select: James, Henry (Vice President; Acting President), 1945 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with State Department regarding acting director Morey and the Office of War Information's use of academy facilities, finances, James's resignation)
Lamond, Felix, (Professor of Music), 1939-1940
Select: Lamond, Felix, (Professor of Music), 1939-1940
Library, 1943-1946
Select: Library, 1943-1946 Scope and Contents note (includes correspondence regarding the of hiring a new librarian)
McClellan, George B. (Vice President), 1938-1939
Select: McClellan, George B. (Vice President), 1938-1939
Moore, Lamont (Assistant Director, Rome), 1948
Select: Moore, Lamont (Assistant Director, Rome), 1948 Scope and Contents note (letter requesting Moore to see about maintenance of Mead's grave in the Rome Cemetery)
Morey, Charles R. (Acting Director, Rome), 1945-1949
Select: Morey, Charles R. (Acting Director, Rome), 1945-1949 Scope and Contents note (routine administrative matters; letters concerning finances, staff, and renting Villa Chiaraviglio for embassy use)
Nominating Committee, 1945-1947
Select: Nominating Committee, 1945-1947
Pratt, Richardson (Secretary), 1946-1947
Select: Pratt, Richardson (Secretary), 1946-1947
Richardson, Ethel, 1947-1952
Select: Richardson, Ethel, 1947-1952 Scope and Contents note (concerns property adjoining American Academy in Rome [subsequently acquired in 1963])
Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), 1946-1950
Select: Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), 1946-1950 Scope and Contents note (routine administrative matters; also includes conditions of appointment, reports on director's activities, fellows and staff, summer school, housing, Richardson villa, finances and budget, annual exhibitions)
Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), 1951-1957
Select: Roberts, Laurance P. (Director, Rome), 1951-1957 Scope and Contents (routine administrative matters; also includes conditions of appointment, reports on director's activities, fellows and staff, summer school, housing, Richardson villa, finances and budget, annual exhibitions)
Sowerby, Leo, 1946
Select: Sowerby, Leo, 1946
State Department, 1941-1946
Select: State Department, 1941-1946 Scope and Contents note (mainly concerns efforts to transfer U.S. funds to academy during wartime)
Stevens, Gorham Phillips (former Director, Rome), 1947-1951
Select: Stevens, Gorham Phillips (former Director, Rome), 1947-1951 Scope and Contents note (includes copies of his recent articles and proposed bequest to academy)
Stuart, Meriwether (Executive Secretary Pro Tem), 1946; 1949
Select: Stuart, Meriwether (Executive Secretary Pro Tem), 1946; 1949 Scope and Contents note (includes proposal for 50th anniversary publication)
Trustees, undated, 1938-1957
Select: Trustees, undated, 1938-1957 Scope and Contents note (correspondence with individual trustees; includes observations on the method for selecting architectural fellows, burglaries at academy, appointment of acting director Morey, library, nominations and elections)
Vatican Payments, 1946
Select: Vatican Payments, 1946 Scope and Contents note (thanks and repayment for funds advanced to academy staff during World War II when money could not be transferred from the U.S. to Italy)
Villa Aurelia, circa 1907
Select: Villa Aurelia, circa 1907 Scope and Contents note (received by Smith, 1940; notes and background information compiled by Charles W. Leavitt (via Mrs. Frank Miles Day))
Walker, John III (Associate in Charge, School of Fine Arts, Rome), 1939
Select: Walker, John III (Associate in Charge, School of Fine Arts, Rome), 1939
Williams, Mary T. (Executive Secretary), 1947-1955
Select: Williams, Mary T. (Executive Secretary), 1947-1955
Oversize Presidents Records
Select: Oversize Presidents Records