Collection Information
Size: 0.42 Linear feet, ca. 1175 items (on 4 microfilm reels)
Summary: Letters, photographs, writings, sketches and drawings, business records, and printed material.
REEL 1683: Personal and business correspondence; clippings and other printed material; exhibition catalogs and announcements; inventories of prints and drawings on loan, or given to, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; photographs of the Romansky collection at the University of Texas, Austin; and photographs of Romansky, Alexander Calder, and others.
REEL 2093, FRAMES 327-509: An "Inventory of the Alvin and Ethel Romansky Collection of Prints and Drawings Relating Chiefly to the Second Empire, the Franco-Prussian War and the Commune of Paris." The Collection is in the M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston.
REEL 2093, FRAMES 514-585: Correspondence, clippings, catalogs and announcements, a photograph of Alexander Calder taken by Romansky and a photograph of Romansky with others.
REELS 3451-3452: Correspondence; lists of loans for exhibtions; invoices, receipts and printed material dealing with Romansky collection; 5 prints by Romansky and 3 prints by Bill Condon; clippings; photographs of Romansky and other artists; information on the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston including by-laws, minutes of accessions committee and board of directors, and lists of trustees.