Notebook, undated
Select: Notebook, undated
Notebook, undated
Select: Notebook, undated
Notebook, circa 1917
Select: Notebook, circa 1917
Notebook, "Art, My Wiggly Tooth, M. Seguin's Goat", undated
Select: Notebook, "Art, My Wiggly Tooth, M. Seguin's Goat", undated
Notebook, "The Buying Public", undated
Select: Notebook, "The Buying Public", undated
Notebook, "London in Seven Days", undated
Select: Notebook, "London in Seven Days", undated
Notebook, "Samplers, Canadian Story, Rochefort", circa 1902-1910
Select: Notebook, "Samplers, Canadian Story, Rochefort", circa 1902-1910
Notebook, "Shipboard Story, en route to Tropics", circa 1913
Select: Notebook, "Shipboard Story, en route to Tropics", circa 1913
Notes, Miscellaneous, undated
Select: Notes, Miscellaneous, undated
Fiction, "After-Glow", circa 1921
Select: Fiction, "After-Glow", circa 1921
Fiction, "Aftermath of a Drought", circa 1960
Select: Fiction, "Aftermath of a Drought", circa 1960
Fiction, "Un Aperitif", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "Un Aperitif", circa 1908
Fiction, "A Bit of Desiccated Cloisonne", undated
Select: Fiction, "A Bit of Desiccated Cloisonne", undated
Fiction, "A Breton Mutiny", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "A Breton Mutiny", circa 1908
Fiction, "Casarabonela", undated
Select: Fiction, "Casarabonela", undated
Fiction, "A Chevrolet Flying", undated
Select: Fiction, "A Chevrolet Flying", undated
Fiction, "Connecticut", undated
Select: Fiction, "Connecticut", undated
Fiction, "Consequences", undated
Select: Fiction, "Consequences", undated
Fiction, "The Court of LeRay de Chaumont", undated
Select: Fiction, "The Court of LeRay de Chaumont", undated
Fiction, "A Day of Court Life in Paris", undated
Select: Fiction, "A Day of Court Life in Paris", undated
Fiction, "The Drums", circa 1905-1915
Select: Fiction, "The Drums", circa 1905-1915
Fiction, "The Fields of Pemzec", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "The Fields of Pemzec", circa 1908
Fiction, "The Green Bottle", circa 1905-1915
Select: Fiction, "The Green Bottle", circa 1905-1915
Fiction, "The Happiness Kit", undated
Select: Fiction, "The Happiness Kit", undated
Fiction, "The Highway" (Three Versions), undated
Select: Fiction, "The Highway" (Three Versions), undated
Fiction, "The Highway" Notes, undated
Select: Fiction, "The Highway" Notes, undated
Fiction, "The Highway" Working Drafts, undated
Select: Fiction, "The Highway" Working Drafts, undated
Fiction, "Jack's Ghost Story", circa 1900
Select: Fiction, "Jack's Ghost Story", circa 1900
Fiction, "The Lion in Captivity", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "The Lion in Captivity", circa 1908
Fiction, "Milady's Retainer" (Incomplete), circa 1905-1915
Select: Fiction, "Milady's Retainer" (Incomplete), circa 1905-1915
Fiction, "The Moment," Acts I, II, and III, undated
Select: Fiction, "The Moment," Acts I, II, and III, undated
Fiction, "The Moment," Act I (Two Versions), undated
Select: Fiction, "The Moment," Act I (Two Versions), undated
Fiction, "The Moment," Act II, undated
Select: Fiction, "The Moment," Act II, undated
Fiction, "The Moment," Act III (Two Versions), undated
Select: Fiction, "The Moment," Act III (Two Versions), undated
Fiction, "The Pasterijica", undated
Select: Fiction, "The Pasterijica", undated
Fiction, "Peacock and Almonds", circa 1905-1915
Select: Fiction, "Peacock and Almonds", circa 1905-1915
Fiction, "People" (Two Versions), undated
Select: Fiction, "People" (Two Versions), undated
Fiction, "The Release of the Lizards", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "The Release of the Lizards", circa 1908
Fiction, "Reproaches to a Work-Table", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "Reproaches to a Work-Table", circa 1908
Fiction, "A Successful Experiment", undated
Select: Fiction, "A Successful Experiment", undated
Fiction, "Sunspots", undated
Select: Fiction, "Sunspots", undated
Fiction, "Torbas" (Three Versions), undated
Select: Fiction, "Torbas" (Three Versions), undated
Fiction, "Tumorius", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "Tumorius", circa 1908
Fiction, "Two Afternoons in the Woods", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "Two Afternoons in the Woods", circa 1908
Fiction, "Two Irish Anecdotes", circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "Two Irish Anecdotes", circa 1908
Fiction, "Two Legends of Trecessions" (Two Versions), undated
Select: Fiction, "Two Legends of Trecessions" (Two Versions), undated
Fiction, "Within the Gates" (Three Versions), circa 1908
Select: Fiction, "Within the Gates" (Three Versions), circa 1908
Fiction, "The Yellow Helmet", undated
Select: Fiction, "The Yellow Helmet", undated
Nonfiction, "Breton Life", circa 1910
Select: Nonfiction, "Breton Life", circa 1910
Nonfiction, "Breton Slide Lecture", circa 1910
Select: Nonfiction, "Breton Slide Lecture", circa 1910
Nonfiction, "Defense Against Disaster", undated
Select: Nonfiction, "Defense Against Disaster", undated
Nonfiction, "Early Settlers of Jefferson County, New York", undated
Select: Nonfiction, "Early Settlers of Jefferson County, New York", undated
Nonfiction, "The Fourth in Brittany", circa 1905
Select: Nonfiction, "The Fourth in Brittany", circa 1905
Nonfiction, "French Art" (Incomplete), circa 1908
Select: Nonfiction, "French Art" (Incomplete), circa 1908
Nonfiction, "How to Look at Pictures", undated
Select: Nonfiction, "How to Look at Pictures", undated
Nonfiction, "Letter to Century Magazine Regarding 'Our Barbarous Fourth'", 1908
Select: Nonfiction, "Letter to Century Magazine Regarding 'Our Barbarous Fourth'", 1908
Nonfiction, Miscellaneous, undated
Select: Nonfiction, Miscellaneous, undated
Nonfiction, "A Painter in Panama", 1913
Select: Nonfiction, "A Painter in Panama", 1913
Nonfiction, "The Real Bohemia", undated
Select: Nonfiction, "The Real Bohemia", undated
Nonfiction, "Smells", undated
Select: Nonfiction, "Smells", undated
Nonfiction, Untitled Essay, undated
Select: Nonfiction, Untitled Essay, undated
Nonfiction, "The Zone from A Woman's Point of View" (Two Versions), circa 1915
Select: Nonfiction, "The Zone from A Woman's Point of View" (Two Versions), circa 1915
Poems, circa 1908-1962
Select: Poems, circa 1908-1962