Necessity of Making an Image, 1969, November 7
Select: Necessity of Making an Image, 1969, November 7 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Lecture delivered by Paul Georges.
Panel on Corot, 1969, November 14
Select: Panel on Corot, 1969, November 14 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Panel members included: Lennart Anderson, LeLand Bell, and Joseph Pollet, with Paul Resika as the moderator.
Portraits, 1969, November 21
Select: Portraits, 1969, November 21 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A group discussion and critique of portraits painted by members of the Alliance of Figurative Artists.
An Artist's Utopia, 1969, November 28
Select: An Artist's Utopia, 1969, November 28 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A group discussion involving members of the Alliance of Figurative Artists
Narrative Paintings, 1969, December 12
Select: Narrative Paintings, 1969, December 12 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Panel members included Milet Andrejevic, Alfred Leslie, and Sidney Tillim, with Gabriel Laderman as the moderator.
Drawing as a Tool, 1969, December 19
Select: Drawing as a Tool, 1969, December 19 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A group discussion led by Lawrence Steven Faden.
Ben Rifkin, Rembrandt's Studio, 1969, December 5
Select: Ben Rifkin, Rembrandt's Studio, 1969, December 5 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents "Rembrandt's Studio" lecture is delivered by Ben Rifkin. 'Philip Pearlstein" lecture given by Philip Pearlstein in which he speaks on the development of his work, his aims, and methods.Reel is untranscribed.
Philip Pearlstein, 1970, January 9
Select: Philip Pearlstein, 1970, January 9 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents 'Philip Pearlstein" lecture given by Philip Pearlstein in which he speaks on the development of his work, his aims, and methods.Reel is untranscribed.
Myths, 1970, January 16
Select: Myths, 1970, January 16 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A panel discussion featuring Rosemarie Beck, John Bradford, and Anthony Giani. Paul Georges is the moderator.
"The Nude" and "Self Portrait", 1970 ,January 23, 1970, April 27
Select: "The Nude" and "Self Portrait", 1970 ,January 23, 1970, April 27 2 Sound tape reels3 Sound cassettesDuplicates Scope and Contents "The Nude" is a group discussion led by Louis Tytell discussing member's paintings, sculptures, and drawings of nudes." Also included is a copy on one sound cassette.Self Portrait is a group discussion on self portraits led by Joel Brody. Also included is a copy on two sound cassettes.Both reels are untranscribed.
Archetype, Hero, and epic Today, 1970 January 30
Select: Archetype, Hero, and epic Today, 1970 January 30 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A dialogue between Edward Melcarth and Raoul F. Middleman with an introduction by Paul Resika.
Gabriel Laderman Discusses His Paintings, 1970, February 6
Select: Gabriel Laderman Discusses His Paintings, 1970, February 6 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes trancript. Gabriel Laderman discusses his paintings.
Scuplture Panel, 1970 February 13
Select: Scuplture Panel, 1970 February 13 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Panel members include Walter Erlebacher, Lloyd Glasson, and Nathan Cabot Hale. Richard A. Miller is the moderator.
Landscape Panel, 1970, February 20
Select: Landscape Panel, 1970, February 20 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A group discussion in which Noah Baen, Ridy Burkhardt, Gretna Campbell, Lucien B. Day, Lois Dodd, Frank Mccall, and Raoul F. Middleman discuss their work. Lois Dodd also reads a statement from Joseph A. Fiore who was unable to attend the meeting. Marjorie Anne Kramer leads the discussion.
Erotic Art, 1970, February 27
Select: Erotic Art, 1970, February 27 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A group discussion led by Aaron Kersen.
John Koch speaks About His Works, 1970, March 6
Select: John Koch speaks About His Works, 1970, March 6 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript.
Implications of Photography, 1970, March 13
Select: Implications of Photography, 1970, March 13 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A panel discussion featuring John Button, Gretna Campbell, and Ben Einhorn. Harold Jacob Bruder is the moderator.
Still Life, 1970, March 20
Select: Still Life, 1970, March 20 Scope and Contents Transcript only. A group discussion led by Joel Goldblatt.
Concerning the Real and the Ideal in Representation, 1970, March 27
Select: Concerning the Real and the Ideal in Representation, 1970, March 27 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Panel members include William H. Bailey and A. Robert Birmelin. Louis Finkelstein is the moderator.
Paul Resika Talks About His Works, 1970, April 3
Select: Paul Resika Talks About His Works, 1970, April 3 Scope and Contents Transcript only.
The Figure in Landscape, 1970, April 10
Select: The Figure in Landscape, 1970, April 10 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Panel discussion featuring Jane Freilicher, Anthony Siani, Sam Thurston, and Neil G. Welliver. William sullivan is the moderator.
Conceptual Painting, 1970, April 24
Select: Conceptual Painting, 1970, April 24 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Panel discussion featuring Richard Chiriani, Bruno Chivitico, Stanley Friedman, Joel Galker, Nancy Grilikhes, and Bonnie Sklarski. Milet Andrejevic is the moderator.
Illusion and Analogy, 1970, May 1
Select: Illusion and Analogy, 1970, May 1 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. Panel featuring William Beckman, Gregory Joseph Gillespie, and Al Kresh. Thomas Browne Cornell is the moderator.
Open Discussion-Future of the Group, 1970, May 8
Select: Open Discussion-Future of the Group, 1970, May 8 Scope and Contents Transcript only. The group discussion is led by Richard A. Miller.
Recollection of the Origin of the Alliance of Figurative Artists, 1970, November 12
Select: Recollection of the Origin of the Alliance of Figurative Artists, 1970, November 12 1 Sound tape reel Scope and Contents Includes transcript. A monologue delivered by Richard A. Miller on the origin of the Alliance and its meetings held between February 14 and May 9, 1969. Miller also reads the program committee's report of October 1970.
Alliance of Figurative Artists, Panel Discussions (circa 1970), Digital Audio Recordings, 2004
Select: Alliance of Figurative Artists, Panel Discussions (circa 1970), Digital Audio Recordings, 2004 1.24 GigabytesTwo computer files Scope and Contents Some portions of recordings are inaudible.