Abraham to Anderson, Misc. A
Select: Abraham to Anderson, Misc. A Scope and Contents Darryl Abraham; Hank Murta Adams; Peter Agostini; Wick Ahrens; Josef Albers; Calvin Albert; Carlos Almaraz; Domingo Alvarez; John Anderson
Anderson to Arkin
Select: Anderson to Arkin Scope and Contents Peter Anton; James Aponovich; Karl Appel; Alexander Archipenko; Dave Ardito; Elliott Arkin; John Anderson; William Anthony; Anonymous
Arman to Arneson
Select: Arman to Arneson Scope and Contents Arman; Robert Arneson
Arneson to Balsley, Misc. B
Select: Arneson to Balsley, Misc. B Scope and Contents Robert Arneson; Ronald Arnholm; Jean Arp; Frank Auerbach; Clayton Bailey; Tim Bailey; Vincent Baldassano; John Balsley
Balsley to Baribeau
Select: Balsley to Baribeau Scope and Contents John Balsley; Balthus; Robert Baribeau
Baribeau to Bauer
Select: Baribeau to Bauer Scope and Contents Robert Baribeau; Hephzibah Singer Barrette ; Bo Bartlett; Dan Basen; David Baskin; Barrie Bates; Robert Bauer
Baumeister to Beck
Select: Baumeister to Beck Scope and Contents Mary Baumeister; Robert Baxter; John Beardman; Robert Beauchamp; David Beck
Beck to Beckman
Select: Beck to Beckman Scope and Contents David Beck; William Beckman
Beckman to Bergstein
Select: Beckman to Bergstein Scope and Contents William Beckman; Max Beckmann; Franz Beer; Giovanni Bellini; Barton Benes; Fletcher Benton; Michael Beresford; Rosamond Berg; Gerry Bergstein
Besnard to Brown
Select: Besnard to Brown Scope and Contents Jean Besnard; Elmer Bischoff; David E. Black; Tom Blackwell; Oscar Bluemer; Norman Bluhm; James Bohary; Roger Bolomey; Don Bonham; Pierre Bonnard; Lee Bontecou; Fernando Botero; Chris Bothwell; Alfred Boucher; Robert Bourdon; Harry Bowden; William A. Bracken; Carlton Bradford; Constantine Brancusi; Georges Braque; Bruce Breland; Frederick Arthur Bridgman; Dan Brobander; Joan Brown
Brown to Bugatti
Select: Brown to Bugatti Scope and Contents Stephen Brown; David Bryce; Mark Adams Bryce; Pamela Budz; Carlo Bugatti; Ettore Bugatti
Bugatti to Burztyn
Select: Bugatti to Burztyn Scope and Contents Ettore Bugatti; Rembrandt Bugatti; Brenda Bullion; Matt Bult; Fritz Bultman; Joan Busquets; Burgess; Burztyn
Calder to Cesar, Misc. C
Select: Calder to Cesar, Misc. C Scope and Contents Alexander Calder; Kathy Calderwood; Kenneth Campbell; Anthony Caro; Ronnie Carson; Norman Carton; Reginald Case; Cesar; Bonnie Case
Cesar to Chamberlain
Select: Cesar to Chamberlain Scope and Contents Cesar; Primarosa Cesarini Sforza; Marc Chagall; John Chamberlain; Paul Cezanne
Chamberlain to Clement
Select: Chamberlain to Clement Scope and Contents John Chamberlain; William Chambers; Tom Chapin; Saul Chase; Robert Chiarito; Eduardo Chillida; Thomas Chimes; Henry Chodkowski; Pete Christman; Victor Cicanski; Michel Ciry; Serge & Marina Kamena Clement
Dennis Clive
Select: Dennis Clive
Clive to Constantine
Select: Clive to Constantine Scope and Contents Dennis Clive; Chuck Close; Barry Cohen; Harold Cohen; Victor Colby; Brian Coleman; Pietro Consagra; Greg Constantine; Bernard Cohen
Cook to Cornell
Select: Cook to Cornell Scope and Contents Gordon Cook; Mark Cooper; Joseph Cornell
Cornell to Cuming
Select: Cornell to Cuming Scope and Contents Joseph Cornell; Gustave Courbet; Todd Crespi; Cara Croninger; Linda Cross; Pip Culbert; Rebecca Cuming
D'Angelo to De Angelis, Misc. D
Select: D'Angelo to De Angelis, Misc. D Scope and Contents David D'Angelo; Stan Dann; Sally Davies; Leonardo DaVinci; Stuart Davis; Manierre Dawson; James Day; Peter Dean; John DeAndrea; Nick de Angelis
De Canedo to Deem
Select: De Canedo to Deem Scope and Contents Alejandro de Canedo; Georgio de Chirico; George Deem
Deem to De Kooning
Select: Deem to De Kooning Scope and Contents George Deem; Roy De Forest; Elaine de Kooning; Willem de Kooning; Edgar Degas; Randall L. Deihl
Willem de Kooning
Select: Willem de Kooning
Willem de Kooning
Select: Willem de Kooning
Willem de Kooning
Select: Willem de Kooning
De Kooning to Diamant
Select: De Kooning to Diamant Scope and Contents Willem de Kooning; Tamara de Lempicka; Don De Mauro; Roger De Muth; Stephen De Staebler; Nicolas De Stael; Andre Derain; Edouard Dermit; Aaronel deRoy Gruber; Patrick Devonas; Harris Diamant
Diebenkorn to Downing
Select: Diebenkorn to Downing Scope and Contents Richard Diebenkorn; John Di Paolo; Mark Di Suvero; Carol Diehl; Rad Dike; Tom Dimond; Jim Dine; Margaret Dodd; David Dornan; Arthur Dove; John Dowell; Tom Downing
Doyle to Dulany
Select: Doyle to Dulany Scope and Contents Tom Doyle; Nancy Drosd; Jean Dubuffet; Ducmanh; Otto Duecker; Joellyn Duesberry; Raoul Dufy; Murray Duitz; Dick Dulany
Dullanty to Estes, Misc. E
Select: Dullanty to Estes, Misc. E Scope and Contents Patrick Dullanty; Pierre Dunand; Chris Duncan; Andre Durand; Stephen Durkee; Misc. E; Jack Earl; Charles Eckart; Andrew Ehrenworth; Edward Eichel; Gaela Erwin; Richard Estes
Richard Estes
Select: Richard Estes
Estes to Evans
Select: Estes to Evans Scope and Contents Richard Estes; Carolyn Evans; De Scott Evans; John Evans
Evans to Fairbanks, Misc. F
Select: Evans to Fairbanks, Misc. F Scope and Contents John Evans; Emily Eveleth; Victoria Fairbanks; Misc. F; Fakes
Falch to France
Select: Falch to France Scope and Contents Johann Falch; Dan Falt; Barbara Farrell; Geoff Feder; Lyonel Feininger; Bella Feldman; Jackie Ferrara; John Fincher; John Fischer; Janet Fish; Alston Flagg; Nancy Flanagan; Irwin Fleminger; Fred C. Focht; Seymour Fogel; Tim Folzenlogen; Tom Foolery; Jean-Louis Forain; Laura Foreman; Robert Forman; Darrell Forney; Jean-Francois Fourtou; Peter France
Francis to Gaudi, Misc. G
Select: Francis to Gaudi, Misc. G Scope and Contents Sam Francis; Helen Frankenthaler; Karen Fredericks; Pedro Friedberg; Jon Friedman; Michael Frimkess; Gunter Fruhtrunk; John Gallagher; Antoni Gaudi; Misc. G
Gaudi to Goldberg
Select: Gaudi to Goldberg Scope and Contents Antoni Gaudi; Dixie Friend Gay; Peter Gee; Vic Gentils; Alberto Giacometti; Charles Dana Gibson; John Gibson; Paul Gibson; Selden Connor Gile; Dan Gilhooley; David Gilhooley; Gregory Gillespie; Charles Ginnever; Edward Giobbi; Giorgione; Vincent van Gogh; Jeffrey Gold; Micheal Goldberg
Goldring to Gorky
Select: Goldring to Gorky Scope and Contents Milton Goldring; Juan Gonzalez; Julio Gonzalez; Ronald Gonzalez; Gwen-Lin Goo; Robert Goodale; John Goodman; Sam Goodman; Susan Goodrich; Juliette Gordon; Arshile Gorky
Gorky to Gottlieb
Select: Gorky to Gottlieb Scope and Contents Arshile Gorky; Stephen Wesley Gorton; Adolph Gottlieb
Goya to Graham
Select: Goya to Graham Scope and Contents Francisco de Goya; John Graham
John Graham
Select: John Graham
Graham to Grashow
Select: Graham to Grashow Scope and Contents John Graham; James Grashow
James Grashow
Select: James Grashow
Gray to Guild
Select: Gray to Guild Scope and Contents Don Gray; Dorothy Grebenak; Mel Green; Marty Greenbaum; Vadim Greenberg; Daniel E. Greene; John Greene; Juan Gris; Derrick Guild
Guild to Hauptman, Misc H
Select: Guild to Hauptman, Misc H Scope and Contents Derrick Guild; Adrian Guillary; Philip Guston; Fred Gutzeit; Woody Gwyn; Hans Haacke; Shamai Haber; Allan Hacklin; Richard Haden; Eugene Hamilton; Raymond Han; Dennis Hare; Burt Hasen; Dwayne Hatchett; Susan Hauptman; Misc. H
Hauptman to Havard
Select: Hauptman to Havard Scope and Contents Susan Hauptman; James Havard
Havard to Hepburn
Select: Havard to Hepburn Scope and Contents James Havard; John Hegarty; Richard Heinsohn; John Heinz; William Hekking; Robert Henri; Mundy Hepburn
Hepburn to Hickam
Select: Hepburn to Hickam Scope and Contents Mundy Hepburn; Auguste Herbin; Phyllis Herfield; Minda Hess; Eva Hesse; Richard Hickam
Hickam to Houston
Select: Hickam to Houston Scope and Contents Richard Hickam; Arne Hiersoux; Edward Higgins; Theo Hios; Allen Hirsch; William Hochhausen; Hans Hofman; Alvin Hollingsworth; Winslow Homer; Edward Hopper; Michael Horvath; David Hostetler; Bruce Houston
Houston to Hyatt, Misc. I
Select: Houston to Hyatt, Misc. I Scope and Contents Bruce Houston; Dean Howell; Tom Huffman; John Hunter; Jim Huntington; Lisa Hyatt; Misc. I
Ideal to Jackson, Misc. J
Select: Ideal to Jackson, Misc. J Scope and Contents Phyllis Ideal; Robert Indiana; George Inness ; Kazuko Inoue; Michael Isen; Marge Israel; Marvin Israel; Alexandre Itin; Sandra Jackman; Carl Jackson; Gerald Jackson; Oliver Jackson; Misc. J
Jackson to Jurkiewicz, Misc. K
Select: Jackson to Jurkiewicz, Misc. K Scope and Contents Oliver Jackson; Paul Ripley Jenkins; Leo Jensen; Jasper Johns; Charles Haywood Johnson; Jim Johnson; Mitchell Johnson; William H. Johnson; W. Lewis Jones; Bo Joseph; Bogoljab Jovanovic; Walt Jurkiewicz; Oliver Jackson; DN Jagles; Melinda James; Lester Johnson; Misc. K
Kacere to Katz
Select: Kacere to Katz Scope and Contents John Kacere; Wolf Kahlen; Frida Kahlo; Wolf Kahn; Marty Kalb; Suzanne Kanatsiz; Wassily Kandinsky; Muriel Kaplan; Frederic Karoly; Jacob Kass; Ray Kass; Leo Katz
Kelly to King
Select: Kelly to King Scope and Contents Ellesworth Kelly; Michael Kerbow; Elizabeth King
King to Kline
Select: King to Kline Scope and Contents Elizabeth King; William Klapp; Thomas Klaverkamp; Franz Kline
Franz Kline
Select: Franz Kline
Kline to Kobashi
Select: Kline to Kobashi Scope and Contents Franz Kline; Grace Knowlton; Yasuhide Kobashi
Koffler to Kurhajec
Select: Koffler to Kurhajec Scope and Contents Robert Koffler; Lisa Kokin; Gregory Kondos; Sharon Kopriva; Gabriel Koren; Michael Kovner; Jack Krueger; Nicholas Krushenick; Robert Kulicke; Joseph Kurhajec
Kuwayama to Leslie, Misc. L
Select: Kuwayama to Leslie, Misc. L Scope and Contents Tadaaki Kuwayama; Gaston Lachaise; Katia Lafitte; Wilfredo Lam; Stanley Landsman; Bernard Langlais; Sylvia Lark; Ger Lataster; Page Laughlin; Geoff Laurence; Georges Lavroff; Jacob Lawrence; Lisa Porter Lawrence; Pierre Le Faguays; Jean-Jaques Lebel; Bill Leech; Fernand Leger; Vera Lehndorff; Saul Leiter; Alfred Leslie; Misc. L
Alfred Leslie
Select: Alfred Leslie
Leslie to Levy
Select: Leslie to Levy Scope and Contents Alfred Leslie; Edward Smith Leslie; Richard Lethem; Joan Levy
Lichtenstein to Long
Select: Lichtenstein to Long Scope and Contents Roy Lichtenstein; Richard Lindner; Paul Linfante; D.C. Lithgow; Donald Localio; Bert Long
Long to Ludwig
Select: Long to Ludwig Scope and Contents Bert Long; Paul Lorenz; Morris Louis; Arlene Love; Daniel Ludwig
Ludwig to Mahony, Misc. M
Select: Ludwig to Mahony, Misc. M Scope and Contents Daniel Ludwig; Norman Lundin; Ellen Lustig; Dennis Luzak; Becky Lyon; Stanton Macdonald-Wright; Louis Mackall; Evelyn Mackey; Jill Mackie; Anthony Magar; Rene Magritte Pat Mahony; Misc. M
Mahony to Mallary
Select: Mahony to Mallary Scope and Contents Pat Mahony; Aristide Maillol; Hans Makart; Kazimir Malevich; Robert Mallary
Mallary to Matta
Select: Mallary to Matta Scope and Contents Robert Mallary; Man Ray; Paul Manship; George Manupelli; Giacomo Manzu; Conrad Marca-Relli; Cork Marcheschi; Marino Marini; Marisol; Jose Marmol; Joe Martell; Knox Martin; Scott Martin; Adrian Martinez; Alden Mason; Emily Mason; Master of the Mansi Magdalen; Henri Matisse; Roberto Matta
Matulka to McDonald
Select: Matulka to McDonald Scope and Contents Jan Matulka; Alfred Mauer; Richard Maury; Maureen McCabe; Steve McCallum; Steve McCormick; Frances McDonald
McGovern to Middleman
Select: McGovern to Middleman Scope and Contents David McGovern; Jerry McLaughlin; James McLear; Michael C. McMillen; George McNeil; Howard Mehring; Gari Melchers; Mark Metcalf; Michelangelo; Raoul Middleman
Middleman to Miller
Select: Middleman to Miller Scope and Contents Raoul Middleman; Jay Milder; Richard Guy Miller; Sue Miller
Millet to Mitchell
Select: Millet to Mitchell Scope and Contents Jean-Francois Millet; Charles Mingus III; Gina Minichino; Richard Minsky; Joan Miro; Joan Mitchell
Mocco to Mosegaard
Select: Mocco to Mosegaard Scope and Contents Richard Mocco; Amedeo Modigliani; Janet Monafo; Piet Mondrian Paul Monfredo; Diana Moore; Henry Moore; Giorgio Morandi Christina Mosegaard
Motherwell to Neuman, Misc. N
Select: Motherwell to Neuman, Misc. N Scope and Contents Robert Motherwell; Robert Muller; Edvard Munch; John Murray; Ed Musante; Elie Nadelman; Makiko Nagano; Reuben Nakian; Reginald Neal; Aida Nelson; Lowell Nesbitt; Robert S. Neuman; Misc. N
Robert S. Neuman
Select: Robert S. Neuman
Neuman to Novek
Select: Neuman to Novek Scope and Contents Robert S. Neuman; Barnett Newman; Don Nice; Carl Niederer; Masanobu Nihei; Isamu Noguchi; Kenneth Noland; Emil Nolde; Maxine Novek
Nowack to Opie, Misc. O
Select: Nowack to Opie, Misc. O Scope and Contents Wayne Nowack; Donald O'Finn; Georgia O'Keefe; Dan O'Neal; Mary Lovelace O'Neal; Rooney O'Neil; Jack Ogden; Kenzo Okada; Claes Oldenburg; Nathan Olivera; John Opie; Misc. O
O'Reilly to Parks, Misc. P
Select: O'Reilly to Parks, Misc. P Scope and Contents John O'Reilly; Alfonso Ossorio; Stewart Paley; Jim Pallas; David Park ; John Parks; Misc. P
Parks to Philadelphia Wireman
Select: Parks to Philadelphia Wireman Scope and Contents John Parks; Stephen Parmley; Betty Parsons; Jules Pascin; Abbott Pattison; Kirk Pedersen; William Pellicone; Guy Pene du Bois; Neil Peper; Irene Rice Pereira; Van Dearing Perrine; Paul Persoff; Gilda Pervin; Sammy Peters; Philadelphia Wireman
Picabia to Pounders
Select: Picabia to Pounders Scope and Contents Francis Picabia; Pablo Picasso; Richard Pinney; Horace Pippin; Bruce Pollock; Jackson Pollock; Arnaldo Pomodoro; Larry Poons; Al Pounders
Pounders to Rasely, Misc. Q; R
Select: Pounders to Rasely, Misc. Q; R Scope and Contents Al Pounders; Richard Pousette-Dart; Nicolas Poussin; Mark Prent; Tim Prentice; William Matthew Prior; Pierre Henri Puvis de Chavannes; Jean Puy; Robert Quigley; Albert Radoczy; Dalia Ramanauskas; Robert Rasely; Misc. Q; R
Rasely to Roberts
Select: Rasely to Roberts Scope and Contents Robert Rasely; Rauschenberg Robert; Rembrandt van Rijn; Pierre Auguste Renoir; Edward Renouf; Milton Resnick; Robert Ressler; Wade Reynolds; Lance Richbourg; Germaine Richier; Rene Rickabaugh; Henriette Riederer; Larry Rivers; Alan Robb; Stephen Cornelius Roberts
Roberts to Russo
Select: Roberts to Russo Scope and Contents Stephen Cornelius Roberts; Bonnie Rock; Bruce Rogers; Mel Roman Felicien Rops; Jay Rosenblum; Richard Rosenblum; James Rosenquist; Frank Roth; Mark Rothko; Georges Roualt; Joanne Rruff; Craig Rubadoux; Joseph Russo; Martha Russo
Ryder to Sarkisian, Misc. S
Select: Ryder to Sarkisian, Misc. S Scope and Contents Albert Pinkham Ryder; Robert Ryman; Betye Saar; Luis Saez; Donald Jay Saff; Vladimir Salamun; Edward Samuels; John Singer Sargent; Peter Sarkisian; Misc. S
Schemm to Shaw
Select: Schemm to Shaw Scope and Contents Richard Schemm; Henry Schiowitz; Edith Schloss; Donald K. Schule; Jerry Schwartz; Ron Schwerin; Kurt Schwitters; Jochen Seidel; Louis Seixas; Joan Semmel; Leo Sewell; Reesey Shaw
Sheehan to Shemesh
Select: Sheehan to Shemesh Scope and Contents Richard Sheehan; Lorraine Shemesh
Shemesh to Sherrod
Select: Shemesh to Sherrod Scope and Contents Lorraine Shemesh; Rhoda Sherbell; Steve Sherman; Philip Sherrod
Sherrod to Stankiewicz
Select: Sherrod to Stankiewicz Scope and Contents Philip Sherrod; Stan Shetka; Everett Shinn; Merton D. Simpson; Kathy Sins; David Alfaro Siqueiros; Sliva Jiri; David Slivka; Anthony Smith; David Smith; Don Smith; Scott Smith; E. Taylor Snow; Joan Snyder; Tova Snyder; Jay Songero; Pierre Soulages; Chaim Soutine; Ousmane Sow; Elaine Spatz-Rabinowitz; Kathryn Spence; Bill Spira; Daniel Spoerri; Christian Spruell; Richard Stankiewicz
Stark to Strautmanis
Select: Stark to Strautmanis Scope and Contents Larry Stark; Edward Steichen; Saul Steinberg; Frank Stella; Joseph Stella; Oriane Stender; Gerd Stern; Jan Peter Stern; Clyfford Still; Joyce Stillman-Myers; Karl Stirner; John Stockdale; Donald Stoltenberg; Allan Stone; John Storrs; Edvins Strautmanis
Strautmanis to Sultz
Select: Strautmanis to Sultz Scope and Contents Edvins Strautmanis; Phil Sultz
Sultz to Terris, Misc. T
Select: Sultz to Terris, Misc. T Scope and Contents Phil Sultz; Roy Superior; Zolita Swerdlove; William Taar; Tancredi; Willard Tangen; Brian Taylor; Henry Finch Taylor; Wayne Taylor; Sam Tchakalian; Albert Terris; Misc. T
Wayne Thiebaud
Select: Wayne Thiebaud
Biographic Statements and CVs, circa 2004-2015
Select: Biographic Statements and CVs, circa 2004-2015
Collector Lists, Undated
Select: Collector Lists, Undated
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports, circa 2015-2016
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports, circa 2015-2016
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports, circa 2017-2018
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports, circa 2017-2018
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Avocado Salad", circa 1966
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Avocado Salad", circa 1966
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hat Stand, 1999", circa 2005
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hat Stand, 1999", circa 2005
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Lollipops," 1964, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Lollipops," 1964, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candied Apples," 1964, circa 2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candied Apples," 1964, circa 2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candy Sticks," 1964, circa 2009
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candy Sticks," 1964, circa 2009
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Cherry Bowl," 1987, circa 2008
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Cherry Bowl," 1987, circa 2008
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Thirteen Desserts", circa 2007-2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Thirteen Desserts", circa 2007-2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Tie Pile," 1969, circa 1985-1986
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Tie Pile," 1969, circa 1985-1986
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Nude and Tapestry", circa 2014
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Nude and Tapestry", circa 2014
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Working Plan for Four Cakes," 1978, circa 2015
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Working Plan for Four Cakes," 1978, circa 2015
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Man Reading," 1963, circa 1985-2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Man Reading," 1963, circa 1985-2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Blue Hill," 1967, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Blue Hill," 1967, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Intersection," 1977-78, circa 2007
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Intersection," 1977-78, circa 2007
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Ridge Study (Study for Blue Hill)," 1967, circa 2006-2009
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Ridge Study (Study for Blue Hill)," 1967, circa 2006-2009
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "1/2 Lemon Meringue Pie," 1977, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "1/2 Lemon Meringue Pie," 1977, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Ballroom Couple," 1992, circa 2009
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Ballroom Couple," 1992, circa 2009
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Diagonal Ridge," 1968, circa 2007
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Diagonal Ridge," 1968, circa 2007
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Watermelon and Knife," 1989, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Watermelon and Knife," 1989, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hot Dog with Mustard," 1964, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hot Dog with Mustard," 1964, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hillside Streets," 1993, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hillside Streets," 1993, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Sunglasses," 1981, circa 2011
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Sunglasses," 1981, circa 2011
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Tie Rack," 1969, circa 2000
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Tie Rack," 1969, circa 2000
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Up Street," 1993, circa 2015
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Up Street," 1993, circa 2015
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Suckers," 1970, circa 1995
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Suckers," 1970, circa 1995
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Vertical Books," 1992, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Vertical Books," 1992, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled (Bolt Cutters)," 1972, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled (Bolt Cutters)," 1972, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Cake Slices," 1963, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Cake Slices," 1963, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Tied Ties," 1990, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Tied Ties," 1990, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candy Counter," 1964, circa 2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candy Counter," 1964, circa 2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Pie Slice," 1964, circa 2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Pie Slice," 1964, circa 2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Half Dome and Cloud," 1975, circa 1985-1986
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Half Dome and Cloud," 1975, circa 1985-1986
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Toy Counter," 1962, circa 1980
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Toy Counter," 1962, circa 1980
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Twin Cakes," 1980, circa 2006
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Twin Cakes," 1980, circa 2006
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Italian Desserts," 1986, circa 2015
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Italian Desserts," 1986, circa 2015
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hillside," 1967, circa 2007
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Hillside," 1967, circa 2007
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Lollipops," 1962, and "Daffodil", circa 2011
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Lollipops," 1962, and "Daffodil", circa 2011
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Ridge With Clouds," 1967, circa 2011
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Ridge With Clouds," 1967, circa 2011
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Landscape," 1967, Undated
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Landscape," 1967, Undated
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled," 1970, circa 2009
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled," 1970, circa 2009
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled (Sundaes)," 1962, circa 2015
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled (Sundaes)," 1962, circa 2015
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Four Lollipops", circa 2014
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Four Lollipops", circa 2014
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Cafeteria Study," 1967, circa 2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Cafeteria Study," 1967, circa 2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Half Salmon," 1961, circa 2014
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Half Salmon," 1961, circa 2014
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Eyeglasses," 1992, circa 2015
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Eyeglasses," 1992, circa 2015
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Pie Slice Row," 1962, circa 2013
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Pie Slice Row," 1962, circa 2013
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Standing Man," 1964, circa 1985-1986
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Standing Man," 1964, circa 1985-1986
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candy Stick," 1965, circa 2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Candy Stick," 1965, circa 2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Five Chocolate Cookies," 1989, circa 2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Five Chocolate Cookies," 1989, circa 2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Boxed Fruit," 1969, circa 2010
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Boxed Fruit," 1969, circa 2010
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled (Sardines)," 1964, circa 2010-2015
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Untitled (Sardines)," 1964, circa 2010-2015
Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Nude (Seated Nude)," 1963, circa 2009
Select: Condition, Conservation and Treatment Reports: "Nude (Seated Nude)," 1963, circa 2009
Certificates of Registration for collection titled Wayne Thiebaud Paintings and Works on Paper, circa 2012
Select: Certificates of Registration for collection titled Wayne Thiebaud Paintings and Works on Paper, circa 2012
Correspondence with Allan Stone, Undated
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone, Undated
Correspondence with Allan Stone, circa 1961-1963
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone, circa 1961-1963
Correspondence with Allan Stone, circa 1964-1965
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone, circa 1964-1965
Correspondence with Allan Stone, circa 1966-1969
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone, circa 1966-1969
Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 1970-1999
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 1970-1999
Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 1981-1986
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 1981-1986
Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 1997-1998
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 1997-1998
Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 2000-2008
Select: Correspondence with Allan Stone Gallery, circa 2000-2008
Correspondence, circa 1961-1965
Select: Correspondence, circa 1961-1965
Correspondence, circa 1966-1967
Select: Correspondence, circa 1966-1967
Correspondence, circa 1968-1969
Select: Correspondence, circa 1968-1969
Correspondence, circa 1970-1979
Select: Correspondence, circa 1970-1979
Correspondence, circa 1965
Select: Correspondence, circa 1965
Correspondence, circa 1980-1985
Select: Correspondence, circa 1980-1985
Correspondence, circa 1986-1989
Select: Correspondence, circa 1986-1989
Correspondence, circa 1990-1995
Select: Correspondence, circa 1990-1995
Correspondence, circa 1996-1999
Select: Correspondence, circa 1996-1999
Correspondence, circa 2000-2003
Select: Correspondence, circa 2000-2003
Correspondence, circa 2004-2005
Select: Correspondence, circa 2004-2005
Correspondence, circa 2006-2020
Select: Correspondence, circa 2006-2020 Includes one optical disc, cd-r.
Correspondence: Appraisals, circa 1963-2010
Select: Correspondence: Appraisals, circa 1963-2010
Correspondence: Graphics, Prints, and Reproductions, circa 1988-2006
Select: Correspondence: Graphics, Prints, and Reproductions, circa 1988-2006
Correspondence: Reproduction Requests, circa 1964-1989
Select: Correspondence: Reproduction Requests, circa 1964-1989
Correspondence: Reproduction Requests, circa 1990-2019
Select: Correspondence: Reproduction Requests, circa 1990-2019
Exhibitions: Price Lists, circa 1960-2009
Select: Exhibitions: Price Lists, circa 1960-2009
Exhibitions: Price Lists, circa 2012-2018
Select: Exhibitions: Price Lists, circa 2012-2018
Exhibitions: Unnamed Solo Show, circa 1962
Select: Exhibitions: Unnamed Solo Show, circa 1962
(1965), circa 1965
Select: Exhibitions: Figures (1965), circa 1965
Exhibitions: Unnamed Exhibition, circa 1982
Select: Exhibitions: Unnamed Exhibition, circa 1982
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 50 Years
(1985), circa 1985
Select: Exhibitions: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 50 Years (1985), circa 1985
Wayne Thiebaud at Allan Stone 25 Years
(1986), circa 1986
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud at Allan Stone 25 Years (1986), circa 1986
Wayne Thiebaud Paintings and Works on Paper
(1988), circa 1988
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud Paintings and Works on Paper (1988), circa 1988
Thiebaud at Seventy
(1990), circa 1990
Select: Exhibitions: Thiebaud at Seventy (1990), circa 1990
Wayne Thiebaud at Allan Stone Gallery: Celebrating 33 Years Together
(1994), circa 1994
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud at Allan Stone Gallery: Celebrating 33 Years Together (1994), circa 1994
Exhibitions: Unnamed Exhibition Guestbook, circa 1997
Select: Exhibitions: Unnamed Exhibition Guestbook, circa 1997
Wayne Thiebaud: A Paintings Retrospective
(2000-2001), circa 2000-2001
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud: A Paintings Retrospective (2000-2001), circa 2000-2001
Four Decades with the Allan Stone Gallery
(2001), circa 2001
Select: Exhibitions: Four Decades with the Allan Stone Gallery (2001), circa 2001
Exhibitions: Reviews of
(2003), circa 2003
Select: Exhibitions: Reviews of Riverscapes (2003), circa 2003
Exhibitions: Reviews of
Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey
(2005), circa 1997-2005
Select: Exhibitions: Reviews of Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey (2005), circa 1997-2005
Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey
(2005), circa 2005
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey (2005), circa 2005
Exhibitions: Reviews of
Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey
(2005), circa 1997-2005
Select: Exhibitions: Reviews of Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey (2005), circa 1997-2005
Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey
(2005), circa 2005
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud Since 1962: A Survey (2005), circa 2005
The Figure
(2008), circa 2008
Select: Exhibitions: The Figure (2008), circa 2008
California Hall of Fame Induction, circa 2010
Select: California Hall of Fame Induction, circa 2010
Wayne Thiebaud: In Black and White
(2014), circa 2014
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud: In Black and White (2014), circa 2014
Wayne Thiebaud: Prints and Works on Paper
(2015), circa 2015
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud: Prints and Works on Paper (2015), circa 2015
Wayne Thiebaud
(2016), circa 2016
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud (2016), circa 2016
Wayne Thiebaud
(2016), circa 2016
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud (2016), circa 2016
Wayne Thiebaud: Land Survey
(2017), circa 2017
Select: Exhibitions: Wayne Thiebaud: Land Survey (2017), circa 2017
Exhibitions: Miscellaneous, Undated
Select: Exhibitions: Miscellaneous, Undated
Artwork Fact Sheets, Undated
Select: Artwork Fact Sheets, Undated
Artwork Fakes, circa 1990-2004
Select: Artwork Fakes, circa 1990-2004
Artwork Framing, circa 1970
Select: Artwork Framing, circa 1970
Allan Stone Gallery Artwork Finances, circa 1992-1995
Select: Allan Stone Gallery Artwork Finances, circa 1992-1995
Friend Woodward Payne, circa 1982
Select: Friend Woodward Payne, circa 1982
Artwork Insurance and Damages, circa 1965-1968
Select: Artwork Insurance and Damages, circa 1965-1968
Interviews, circa 1989-2005
Select: Interviews, circa 1989-2005 Includes one sound cassette titled: Wayne Thiebaud - City Arts and Lectures - 4/20/05
Miscellaneous Notes and Printed Material, circa 1961-1989
Select: Miscellaneous Notes and Printed Material, circa 1961-1989
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1977-1997
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1977-1997
Press: Articles and Reviews, Undated
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, Undated
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1960-1963
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1960-1963
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1964-1966
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1964-1966
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1967-1969
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1967-1969
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1970-1972
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1970-1972
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1973-1975
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1973-1975
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1976-1977
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1976-1977
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1978-1979
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1978-1979
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1980-1981
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1980-1981
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1982-1984
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1982-1984
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1985
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1985
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1986-1989
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1986-1989
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1990-1993
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1990-1993
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1994-1996
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1994-1996
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1997-1999
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 1997-1999
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2000-2001
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2000-2001
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2002-2003
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2002-2003
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2004-2005
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2004-2005
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2006-2009
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2006-2009
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2010-2015
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2010-2015
Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2016-2018
Select: Press: Articles and Reviews, circa 2016-2018
Press: Graphic Reproductions, circa 1982-1988
Select: Press: Graphic Reproductions, circa 1982-1988
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1963-1969
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1963-1969
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1971-1979
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1971-1979
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1981-1988
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1981-1988
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1994-1997
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 1994-1997
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2000-2004
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2000-2004
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2005
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2005
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2006-2016
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2006-2016
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads: Sign for Unnamed Exhibition, circa 2014
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads: Sign for Unnamed Exhibition, circa 2014
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, Undated
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, Undated Includes one optical disc, cd-r.
Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2005
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Ads, circa 2005
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1961-1969
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1961-1969
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements: Crown Point Press "Delights", circa 1965
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements: Crown Point Press "Delights", circa 1965
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1970-1978
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1970-1978
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1980-1989
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1980-1989
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1990-2000
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1990-2000
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 2000-2010
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 2000-2010
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 2011-2014
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 2011-2014
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 2015-2019
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 2015-2019
Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1997-2017
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Announcements, circa 1997-2017
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1963-1965
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1963-1965
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1966-1969
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1966-1969
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1970
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1970
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1971-1979
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1971-1979
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1981-1987
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1981-1987
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1990-1994
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1990-1994
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1995-1999
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 1995-1999
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 2000-2007
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 2000-2007
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 2008-2014
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 2008-2014
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 2015-2018
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Brochures, circa 2015-2018
Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Printed Material, circa 1989-2016
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Catalogues and Printed Material, circa 1989-2016
Press: Promotional Materials: Posters, circa 1965
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Posters, circa 1965
Press: Promotional Materials: Press Releases, circa 1962-2018
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Press Releases, circa 1962-2018
Press: Promotional Materials: Reproductions in Print, circa 1987-1991
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Reproductions in Print, circa 1987-1991
Press: Promotional Materials: Reproductions in Print, circa 1995-2005
Select: Press: Promotional Materials: Reproductions in Print, circa 1995-2005
Provenance: "Booth Girl," 1964, circa 1976
Select: Provenance: "Booth Girl," 1964, circa 1976
Artwork Lists, circa 2003
Select: Artwork Lists, circa 2003
Artwork Shipping, circa 1962-2018
Select: Artwork Shipping, circa 1962-2018
Transactions: Acquisitions, circa 1962-1994
Select: Transactions: Acquisitions, circa 1962-1994
Transactions: Consignments, circa 1962-2017
Select: Transactions: Consignments, circa 1962-2017
Transactions: Exchanges and Trades, circa 1964-2006
Select: Transactions: Exchanges and Trades, circa 1964-2006
Transactions: Gifts, circa 1965-1995
Select: Transactions: Gifts, circa 1965-1995
Transactions: Loans, circa 1960-1964
Select: Transactions: Loans, circa 1960-1964
Transactions: Loans, circa 1965-1969
Select: Transactions: Loans, circa 1965-1969
Transactions: Loans, circa 1970-1979
Select: Transactions: Loans, circa 1970-1979
Transactions: Loans, circa 1980-1986
Select: Transactions: Loans, circa 1980-1986
Transactions: Loans, circa 1990-1997
Select: Transactions: Loans, circa 1990-1997
Transactions: Loans, circa 2000-2017
Select: Transactions: Loans, circa 2000-2017
Transactions: Sales and Shipping, circa 1965-2019
Select: Transactions: Sales and Shipping, circa 1965-2019
Transactions: Sales, circa 1962-1969
Select: Transactions: Sales, circa 1962-1969
Transactions: Sales, circa 1970-1979
Select: Transactions: Sales, circa 1970-1979
Transactions: Sales, circa 1980-1989
Select: Transactions: Sales, circa 1980-1989
Transactions: Sales, circa 1990-2017
Select: Transactions: Sales, circa 1990-2017
Visuals: Digital Images: CDs and DVDs, Undated
Select: Visuals: Digital Images: CDs and DVDs, Undated Includes six optical discs, cd-r.
Visuals: Photocopies and Computer Print Outs, Undated
Select: Visuals: Photocopies and Computer Print Outs, Undated
Visuals: Photos, circa 1961-1999
Select: Visuals: Photos, circa 1961-1999
Visuals: Photos, Undated
Select: Visuals: Photos, Undated
Visuals: Slides, Undated
Select: Visuals: Slides, Undated
Visuals: Transparencies, Undated
Select: Visuals: Transparencies, Undated
Tiffany, Louis Comfort, circa 1974-2014
Select: Tiffany, Louis Comfort, circa 1974-2014
Tobey, Mark, circa 1962-1964
Select: Tobey, Mark, circa 1962-1964
Tomasselli, circa 2018-2019
Select: Tomasselli, circa 2018-2019 Includes two optical discs, cd-r.
Tompkins, Michael, circa 1990-2008
Select: Tompkins, Michael, circa 1990-2008
Trampedach, Kurt
Select: Trampedach, Kurt
Bio, Undated
Select: Bio, Undated
Correspondence, circa 1985-2003
Select: Correspondence, circa 1985-2003
Correspondence, circa 1990-1999
Select: Correspondence, circa 1990-1999
Correspondence, circa 2000-2019
Select: Correspondence, circa 2000-2019
Correspondence: Mailing Lists, circa 1990-1995
Select: Correspondence: Mailing Lists, circa 1990-1995 Includes three floppy discs, 3.5 in.
Exhibitions: Price Lists, circa 1990-2006
Select: Exhibitions: Price Lists, circa 1990-2006
Exhibitions: 2002 Retrospective, circa 1999-2001
Select: Exhibitions: 2002 Retrospective, circa 1999-2001
Exhibitions: 2002 Retrospective, circa 2001-2002
Select: Exhibitions: 2002 Retrospective, circa 2001-2002
Fact Sheets: Untitled, 1987, Undated
Select: Fact Sheets: Untitled, 1987, Undated
Financials: Wire Transfers, circa 1973-2002
Select: Financials: Wire Transfers, circa 1973-2002
Kurt Trampedach
Select: Kurt Trampedach
Trampedach to Umbreit, Misc. U
Select: Trampedach to Umbreit, Misc. U Scope and Contents Kurt Trampedach; Lee Tribe; Ernest Trova; William Tucker; Igael Tumarkin; Domenick Turturro; Ralph Turturro; Eduardo Uhart; Pedro Uhart; William Umbreit; Misc. U
Unterseher to Velasquez, Misc. V
Select: Unterseher to Velasquez, Misc. V Scope and Contents Chris Unterseher; Robert Valdes; Miguel Valdesberea; Biron Valier; Chris Van Allsburg; Rik Van Bentum; Roger Van Ouystel; Peter Vandenberge; Victor Vasarely; Floriano Vecchi; Diego Velasquez; Misc. V
Vickery to Wendels, Misc. W
Select: Vickery to Wendels, Misc. W Scope and Contents John Vickery; Christian Vincent; Emily Epstein Vines; David Von Schlegell; Charmion Von Wiegand; Peter Voulkos; Robert Wade; Gerald Walberg; Paul Waldman; William Waldren; Bo Walker; Ming Wang; George Wardlaw; Andy Warhol; James Watkinson; James Weeks; Adolph Alexander Weinman; Betsy Weis; Franziskus Wendels; Misc. W
Wenkle to Wheelwright
Select: Wenkle to Wheelwright Scope and Contents James Wenkle; Ron Westman; Joseph Wheelwright
Wheelwright to Williams
Select: Wheelwright to Williams Scope and Contents Joseph Wheelwright; Jack Whitten; Joe Wilder; Bill Will; Lawrence Williams
Wick to Zox, Misc. Y, Z
Select: Wick to Zox, Misc. Y, Z Scope and Contents Robert J. Wick; Ron Williams; Donald Roller Wilson; May Wilson; William Wilson; Ralph Woehrman; Philip Wofford; Alan Wolfson; Richard Wood; John Woodward; Adrianne Wortzel; Alan Wright; Dan Wurtzel; Alex Wyse; Alex Yudzon; Athos Zacharias; Robert Zakarian; Aletha Zapf; Edward Ziennes; Edwin W. Zoller; Larry Zox; Misc. Y, Z