Summary: 8 photographs of Stewart's model for the pediment of the Department of Labor building in Washington, D.C. including one photograph of Stewart with his model.
Biographical/Historical Note
Sculptor; Claremont, Calif. WPA artist.
Donated 1985 by George Gurney, who was researching Albert T. Stewart.
Language Note
English .
How to Use This Collection
Alternative Forms Available
35mm microfilm reel 3590, frames 250-268 available at Archives of American Art offices and through interlibrary loan.
Restrictions on Access
Use of original papers requires an appointment and is limited to the Archives' Washington, D.C., Research Center. Microfilmed materials must be consulted on microfilm. Contact Reference Services for more information.
How to Cite This Collection
Albert T. Stewart photographs, [ca. 1930]. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.