Collection Information
Size: 858 Items, (on 2 microfilm reels)
Summary: Correspondence and printed material, mainly regarding Rockwell Kent.
REEL 2033: Correspondence with Rockwell Kent; carbon copies of letters from Kent to newspaper editors, politicians, and political activists, including Harold Kastner, J. Howard McGrath, Senator William Benton, Thomas E. Dewey, Nikita Khrushchev, and others; carbon copies of letters to Kent from Diego Rivera, Eliot White, and others; a copy of a letter from Darwin J. Meserole to Harry S. Truman; letters from Sally Kent and Henriette ("Riette") Kahn, containing newspaper clippings, a typescript of a poem from Rockwell Kent to Riette, a price list with the titles and dimensions of Kent's paintings, and writings by Kahn on Kent; and printed material relating to political activities.
REEL 2300: Correspondence primarily with Kahn and Kent; letters from H. K. Thompson, Jr., Dan Burne Jones, and others; and letters from Kent to Lyndon B. Johnson, Leon Berney, and others. Some letters contain typescripts of writings by Kahn and Kent and printed materials.