Armory Show, 1913, 1958
Select: Armory Show, 1913, 1958 Scope and Contents Includes catalog and supplement to the catalog of the International Exhibition of Modern Art, or the Armory Show, 1913
Art and Technology, circa 1966-1967
Select: Art and Technology, circa 1966-1967
Auction Magazine, 1967
Select: Auction Magazine, 1967
Avant-Garde, circa 1955-1964
Select: Avant-Garde, circa 1955-1964 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 11, Folder 2
Bauhaus, 1925, 1938
Select: Bauhaus, 1925, 1938
College Art Association, circa 1948-1950
Select: College Art Association, circa 1948-1950
Cubism, circa 1949
Select: Cubism, circa 1949
Dada, circa 1953
Select: Dada, circa 1953 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Dance Companies/Programs, circa 1962-circa 1967
Select: Dance Companies/Programs, circa 1962-circa 1967 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 11, Folder 2
Dance Companies/Programs, circa 1962-circa 1967
Select: Dance Companies/Programs, circa 1962-circa 1967 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 11, Folder 2
Dance Companies/Programs, Photographs, 1960s
Select: Dance Companies/Programs, Photographs, 1960s
Design, Automobiles, circa 1953-1958
Select: Design, Automobiles, circa 1953-1958
Design, Books/Paul Rand, circa 1950s
Select: Design, Books/Paul Rand, circa 1950s
Downtown Gallery, "Young Painters Group", 1949, 1954
Select: Downtown Gallery, "Young Painters Group", 1949, 1954
Etruscan Art, circa 1950s
Select: Etruscan Art, circa 1950s
Expressionism, 1955
Select: Expressionism, 1955
Fauvism, 1951-1960
Select: Fauvism, 1951-1960
Festival of Contemporary Art, 1953-1954
Select: Festival of Contemporary Art, 1953-1954
Film, Charlie Chaplin, circa 1950s
Select: Film, Charlie Chaplin, circa 1950s
Film, Jean Cocteau, 1940s-1950s
Select: Film, Jean Cocteau, 1940s-1950s
Film, Miscellaneous
Select: Film, Miscellaneous
Furniture, circa 1950s
Select: Furniture, circa 1950s
Furniture, 1952-1955
Select: Furniture, 1952-1955
Genital Art, circa 1960s
Select: Genital Art, circa 1960s
Happenings, circa 1958-1965
Select: Happenings, circa 1958-1965 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 11, Folder 2
Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, circa 1946-circa 1949
Select: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, circa 1946-circa 1949
Institute of Contemporary Arts Catalog, 1963
Select: Institute of Contemporary Arts Catalog, 1963
Japanese Architecture, 1954-1958
Select: Japanese Architecture, 1954-1958
Jewish Museum, 1962-1964
Select: Jewish Museum, 1962-1964
Jewish Museum, 1962-1964
Select: Jewish Museum, 1962-1964
Lever House, circa 1950s
Select: Lever House, circa 1950s
Modern Architects, 1950s-1966
Select: Modern Architects, 1950s-1966
Modern Sculpture, 1942-1957
Select: Modern Sculpture, 1942-1957
Museum History and Administration, circa 1949-1954
Select: Museum History and Administration, circa 1949-1954
Museum History and Administration, 1955-1956
Select: Museum History and Administration, 1955-1956
Museum History and Administration, 1957
Select: Museum History and Administration, 1957
Museum History and Administration, 1958-1962
Select: Museum History and Administration, 1958-1962
New York Biennial at the Coliseum, 1965
Select: New York Biennial at the Coliseum, 1965 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 11, Folder 2
Now Festival, Washington D.C., 1966
Select: Now Festival, Washington D.C., 1966 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Painters and Sculptors
Select: Painters and Sculptors
Adami, Valerio, 1966-1968
Select: Adami, Valerio, 1966-1968
Afro--Antonakos, 1954-1968
Select: Afro--Antonakos, 1954-1968
Anwzkiewicz--Avedisian, 1955-1968
Select: Anwzkiewicz--Avedisian, 1955-1968
Balthus--Baziotes, 1954-1967
Select: Balthus--Baziotes, 1954-1967
Beckman--Blake, 1947-1967
Select: Beckman--Blake, 1947-1967
Bonnard--Braque, 1948-1966
Select: Bonnard--Braque, 1948-1966
Breer--Butler, 1931-1967
Select: Breer--Butler, 1931-1967
Cage--Cezanne, 1947-1956
Select: Cage--Cezanne, 1947-1956
Chamberlain--Courtin, circa 1950s-circa 1960s
Select: Chamberlain--Courtin, circa 1950s-circa 1960s
D'Arcangelo--Degas, 1947-1967
Select: D'Arcangelo--Degas, 1947-1967
Di Giovanni, Benvenuto, 1907-1952
Select: Di Giovanni, Benvenuto, 1907-1952
Di Giovanni, Benvenuto, 1907-1952
Select: Di Giovanni, Benvenuto, 1907-1952
Di Spirito, Henry, 1957
Select: Di Spirito, Henry, 1957
Dine, Jim, circa 1960-circa 1968
Select: Dine, Jim, circa 1960-circa 1968 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Dine, Jim, circa 1960-circa 1968
Select: Dine, Jim, circa 1960-circa 1968 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Duchamp--Dzubas, 1965-1967
Select: Duchamp--Dzubas, 1965-1967
Ensor--Ernst, 1944-1956
Select: Ensor--Ernst, 1944-1956
Fahlström--Frankenthaler, 1942-1968
Select: Fahlström--Frankenthaler, 1942-1968
Gaugin--Gonzalez, 1947-1956
Select: Gaugin--Gonzalez, 1947-1956
Goodnough--Gros, 1951-1964
Select: Goodnough--Gros, 1951-1964
Hare--Hultberg, 1950-1967
Select: Hare--Hultberg, 1950-1967
Indiana--Ingres, circa 1961-circa 1968
Select: Indiana--Ingres, circa 1961-circa 1968
Jacoby--Johns, 1956-1967
Select: Jacoby--Johns, 1956-1967
Kandinsky--Kirchner, 1956-1966
Select: Kandinsky--Kirchner, 1956-1966
Klee, Paul, circa 1940-circa 1951
Select: Klee, Paul, circa 1940-circa 1951
Kline--Kupka, 1945-1966
Select: Kline--Kupka, 1945-1966
Lanskoy--Louis, 1946-1966
Select: Lanskoy--Louis, 1946-1966
Manet--Marini, 1947-1957
Select: Manet--Marini, 1947-1957
Marisol--Matta, 1942-1966
Select: Marisol--Matta, 1942-1966
Minujin--Morandi, 1948-1967
Select: Minujin--Morandi, 1948-1967
Moreau--Music, 1946-1965
Select: Moreau--Music, 1946-1965
Nakian--Noland, 1958-1967
Select: Nakian--Noland, 1958-1967
Oldenburg--Ostlihn, 1962-1968
Select: Oldenburg--Ostlihn, 1962-1968
Parker--Picabia, 1956-1967
Select: Parker--Picabia, 1956-1967
Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Select: Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Select: Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Select: Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Select: Picasso, Pablo, circa 1940s-circa 1960s
Picasso, Pablo, 1945-1949
Select: Picasso, Pablo, 1945-1949
Picasso, Pablo, 1950-1953
Select: Picasso, Pablo, 1950-1953
Picasso, Pablo, 1955
Select: Picasso, Pablo, 1955
Picasso, Pablo, 1956-1959
Select: Picasso, Pablo, 1956-1959
Pollock--Pozzatti, 1955-1968
Select: Pollock--Pozzatti, 1955-1968
Rauschenberg, Robert, circa 1958-circa 1968
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert, circa 1958-circa 1968 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Rauschenberg, Robert, 1951-1963
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert, 1951-1963 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Rauschenberg, Robert, 1964-1968
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert, 1964-1968 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 11, Folder 2
Reder--Redon, 1929-1958
Select: Reder--Redon, 1929-1958
Reinhardt--Richier, 1950-1966
Select: Reinhardt--Richier, 1950-1966
Riley--Rothko, 1956-1968
Select: Riley--Rothko, 1956-1968 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Roualt--Rubens, circa 1946-circa 1954
Select: Roualt--Rubens, circa 1946-circa 1954
Santomaso--Segal, 1956-1967
Select: Santomaso--Segal, 1956-1967
Seligmann--Seurat, 1947-1958
Select: Seligmann--Seurat, 1947-1958
Shahn, Ben, 1947-1959
Select: Shahn, Ben, 1947-1959
Smith--Soulages, 1954-1967
Select: Smith--Soulages, 1954-1967
Stankiewicz--Stella, 1953-1968
Select: Stankiewicz--Stella, 1953-1968
Tamayo--Tobey, 1947-1957
Select: Tamayo--Tobey, 1947-1957 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 12
Toulouse-Lautrec--Trova, 1951-1966
Select: Toulouse-Lautrec--Trova, 1951-1966
Turner--Twombly, 1955-1968
Select: Turner--Twombly, 1955-1968
Van Gogh, Vincent, 1948-1955
Select: Van Gogh, Vincent, 1948-1955
Villon--Vuillard, circa 1950s
Select: Villon--Vuillard, circa 1950s
Warhol, Andy, 1962-1968
Select: Warhol, Andy, 1962-1968
Warhol, Andy, 1962-1968
Select: Warhol, Andy, 1962-1968
Wesselmann, Tom, 1966-1968
Select: Wesselmann, Tom, 1966-1968
"Young Italians", 1962-1968
Select: "Young Italians", 1962-1968
"Young Italians", 1962-1968
Select: "Young Italians", 1962-1968
"Young Italians", 1962-1968
Select: "Young Italians", 1962-1968
"Young Italians", 1962-1968
Select: "Young Italians", 1962-1968
Yunkers--Zox, 1950-1968
Select: Yunkers--Zox, 1950-1968
Pop, 1960s
Select: Pop, 1960s
Pre-Raphaelites, circa 1940s
Select: Pre-Raphaelites, circa 1940s
Primitive Art, 1930s-1956
Select: Primitive Art, 1930s-1956
Primitive Art, 1958-1959
Select: Primitive Art, 1958-1959
Printing on Announcements and Invitation, circa 1940s-circa 1950s
Select: Printing on Announcements and Invitation, circa 1940s-circa 1950s
Printing on Announcements and Invitation, 1945-1954
Select: Printing on Announcements and Invitation, 1945-1954
Russian Art, 1954
Select: Russian Art, 1954
Surrealism, circa 1940-1952
Select: Surrealism, circa 1940-1952
Synagogues, circa 1953
Select: Synagogues, circa 1953
The International Times , 1967
Select: The International Times, 1967 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 11, Folder 2
The New Art, 1960s
Select: The New Art, 1960s
Theater, circa 1962-circa 1966
Select: Theater, circa 1962-circa 1966
"Twist, Morality, Art, Eisenhower, Jones", 1962
Select: "Twist, Morality, Art, Eisenhower, Jones", 1962
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1965
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1965
Oversized Avant-Garde scanned with Box 3, Folder 34
Select: Oversized Avant-Garde scanned with Box 3, Folder 34
Oversized Dance Companies/Programs scanned with Box 3, Folders 39-40
Select: Oversized Dance Companies/Programs scanned with Box 3, Folders 39-40
Oversized Happenings scanned with Box 3, Folder 55
Select: Oversized Happenings scanned with Box 3, Folder 55
Oversized New York Biennial at the Coliseum scanned with Box 4, Folder 11
Select: Oversized New York Biennial at the Coliseum scanned with Box 4, Folder 11
Oversized Painters and Sculptors, Rauschenberg, Robert scanned with Box 5, Folder 21
Select: Oversized Painters and Sculptors, Rauschenberg, Robert scanned with Box 5, Folder 21
Oversized The International Times scanned with Box 6, Folder 16
Select: Oversized The International Times scanned with Box 6, Folder 16
Oversized Dada scanned with Box 3, Folder 38
Select: Oversized Dada scanned with Box 3, Folder 38
Oversized Now Festival, Washington D.C., scanned with Box 4, Folder 12
Select: Oversized Now Festival, Washington D.C., scanned with Box 4, Folder 12
Oversized Painters and Sculptors
Select: Oversized Painters and Sculptors
Dine, Jim scanned with Box 4, Folders 26-27
Select: Dine, Jim scanned with Box 4, Folders 26-27
Rauschenberg, Robert scanned with Box 5, Folders 19-20
Select: Rauschenberg, Robert scanned with Box 5, Folders 19-20
Riley--Rothko scanned with Box 5, Folder 24
Select: Riley--Rothko scanned with Box 5, Folder 24
Tamayo-Tobey scanned with Box 5, Folder 31
Select: Tamayo-Tobey scanned with Box 5, Folder 31