Wednesday April 23, 1890
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 23, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, Apr 23, 1890 The air is filled with smoke and dust. I am loth to go from the top of this hill but have to. I went down town after breakfast and then to Kingston to see Kenyon about our assessment. After a long interview with him and Sharpe he having meanwhile [?] up various decisions. He advised me to appear before the Common Council when this matter comes up. He thought I had better have some one to appear for me legally as I might be asked questions I could not answer, and it was arranged that Sharpe appear with me, and that this afternoon Sharpe was coming down and we would drive around there and take a look at the property. I was over at Girards on a matter of business when he drove up and missed him[,] meanwhile he drove down there and looked at the situation and then came back. We had stopped at the City Hall and ascertained that the matter would not be called up at the Council meeting on Friday night. He is to be there on business for his father however and will keep watch of this. I distinctly told Kenyon that I did not want to get into a law suit, which he fully understands but he thinks that by an earnest and proper representation the Council may be made to see the justice of modifying the assessment and so that rests for a week or ten days. Sara has gone to the funeral of Mollie Delasagne who died suddenly on Sunday. Yesterday when I went into Dempseys who should I see sitting there but "Jim Robinson" who I thought was in his grave. There was a James Robinson died on March 26th and I was assured he was the man, but Jim denied that he was dead or ever had been. Today I received the announcement of the wedding of E. A. Abbey, the artist. Sara and I have concluded to offer this house furnished, to those people whom Mrs. Schreiber spoke of for three months for $1000. We think we may be blamed if we do not make an effort to let it when there is an opportunity. I have spoke to Girard about it and he thinks that a reasonable price as does Mary Vaux to whom I spoke about it when we thought Young might want it.
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