Monday April 21, 1890
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 21, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Monday, Apr 21, 1890 Pleasant day. The apple trees begin to show the budding of foliage. It seems strange to me that I am not going back to N.Y. I went down town after breakfast and got some seeds for the garden and had my hair cut. I heard in the barber shop that Mary (Mollie) Delasagne was attacked with heart failure in the street yesterday and was carried to her home where she died soon after. John McEntee came in while I was there. He was in Stamford yesterday where he bought a horse. The barber shop is a great news exchange. I feel the effects of my walk yesterday but I slept very soundly. I got a letter from Lucy in which she says the Sec. of War has ordered the abandonment of several posts and among them Fort Bridger. This will be quite a blow to the Carters and John and Lucy are very much troubled about it. They do not of course know when they will have to leave nor where they will go. Today I planted water melon, musk melons & cucumbers and put pansies over them. Sara and I attended a meeting of the "Question Club" at the Forsyths this evening. The subject was "Cortis". There was not a very full meeting.
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