Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday June 14, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 14, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, June 14, 1889 No rain today but great humidity and not a clear sunshine. Tom is cutting the grass between here and my house and has about 15 cocks pretty well cured. Sara had a letter from Lucy today and I had one from Mary telling us about Sedgwicks and Marions starting for Fort Bridger. They went on Monday by the Chicago limited vestibuled Express and she had a postal card from them saying they arrived in Chicago at 9.50 the next day, just 24 hours. They probably arrived at Fort Bridger yesterday although I thought they would get there today. I went down town and bought strawberries for Sara which she canned. They did not prove to be very nice ones. She is making little Florence a dress from one of dear Gertrudes which I well remember seeing her wear. This afternoon I went over to my studio and cleared up my table and put things in order and I began a sketch of my mother from a copy of Lucys photograph of her. I have been busy today and therefore less unhappy. This is the anniversary of Maurices death. Sara and I spoke of his sad last days, this morning at the breakfast table. How he must have suffered and suffered alone for he felt himself alienated from all of us and never complained to any of us. I cant help looking upon his life as a promising one wasted by the force of circumstances and that perhaps some slight influence at the critical time might have changed it all. I think of him now only with pity and compassion and regret that I could not have helped him. I forget all the trouble and anxiety he caused us, and only remember how he suffered for his infirmity. We all need pity and compassion for we seem to have but little control over our lives. Sara went to ride with Mr. Cantine, Miss Sheffield and Miss Brownell.

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