Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday June 1, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 1, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, June 1, 1889 I wrote to Mary before breakfast giving her an account of Lauras visit, and went down town and mailed it. It was raining this morning and has rained in showers all day. Girard stopped in on his way to dinner to tell me of a conversation he had with Mr. Lindsley. He said Joe has been here twice since Feb. Once he telegraphed Mr. L. to meet him at the West Shore station. He got in Mr. L's wagon and as he started for home asked him where he was going. He said (Joe) that he had business in Kingston and asked him to drive to Clearwaters office. Joe asked Clearwater if Mr. E. Tompkins had said anything to him about taking charge of his business and he said he had. Then Mr Lindsley said, Joe what business can there be. The will (my fathers) has been admitted to probate and that is the end of it and Clearwater conceded--and that was all. He dont seem to know what he is about, any thing to keep himself and every one else in a ferment. Mr. Lindsley said he has greatly calmed down since he first came here armed with a power of attorney just after my fathers death. Then he was going to make all sorts of trouble, but both Mr. Lindsley and Ned showed him how unwise it would be and he for a wonder desisted. I never knew such a man. All he seems to want is to make trouble, and he will do it. I have always known this and so I quietly await events. I painted on a little scene in Pueblo this forenoon and a part of the afternoon, but I have a cold coming on my lungs with a painful cough and I felt so badly I came over home. The awful disaster by the bursting of a reservoir at Johnstown Pa. has filled us with horror. To think what was going on last night as we sat here so cosily reading ought to make one thankful for the safety and freedom from any such a calamity that we have always enjoyed.

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