Saturday August 3, 1889
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 3, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Saturday, Aug 3, 1889 Girard came over this morning and told me he was up at the meeting of the Common Council last night, that the remonstrance concerning Chester St. was presented and on motion of alderman Dederick of Kingston was laid on the table. I also asked him about his trouble. He said Cantine had looked over his books and would see me. I went down town and called at Cantines but he was not in and Girard said he would tell him I had been there and perhaps he would come to see me tomorrow. I received a letter from Calvert saying Downing would come up some time today and he would come next Saturday. It rained again several times through the day. I made some observations and some measurements this afternoon with reference to the idea of laying out this property. I read aloud this evening in Page's "Old [?]" and am reading Tristram Shandy. I picked a ripe Hackensack musk-melon today. Downing did not come.
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