Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday September 7, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, September 7, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Sept 7, 1888 Went down town in the morning. Very cool--frost in all directions but do not notice that any thing on the hill has been touched. A letter from Robt. Wilkinson to ask me if I do not want to go to Bisby Lake about Oct. 1st as he is going with a friend and hopes it will be just the time I want to get my sketch for Husted. Wrote him I would be delighted to go with him and would try to arrange for that time and would write him as soon as I heard from Genl. Husted. I saw Mr. Sears the city engineer and he agreed to come this afternoon at 3 oclock to run out the lot we have sold to Eunist. I went up to the City Hall for him and we worked there until after 6 oclock establishing points. He is to put a big iron bolt at the corner between us and the Wolfer property where I have marked "round stone" on the map but 5 inches further South. This makes my memorandum on the map in reference to a stake near the corner of Chester & Trenton Sts, and which now reads " 5 ft from line of Chester St, but not on a line of Trenton St" read "5 ft. from Chester St. W. but 12 inches N. of Trenton St." Calvert came up this evening and Marion is to come tomorrow. Mary told me that they had invited Mrs. Donaldson to come up next week.

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