Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday January 18, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 18, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Jan 18, 1888 Cold again this morning and the rain frozen on the side walks. Mary told me of her anxiety about Calvert whose symptoms have been very alarming. I walked up to see Ortgies to see if he had heard anything about getting the law, forbidding auctions in the evening changed. He was not in but I saw his clerk who had heard of nothing definite having been accomplished. I went down to the Tribune Building to see Philips & Wells the real estate agents who have our place for sale. They had had no inquiries and apparently had not thought of it since I put it into their hands. I saw one of the firm who said they would not push it unless we advertised it and proposed spending a hundred dollars in advertising to be deducted from their commission if sold. I dont think it wise to do so but told him I would think of it. Then I went to see Mr. David G. Francis about our [?] Registers. He was not in but a man representing him said as it was not a full sett he did not think he would care for it. I came to my room and went to work cataloging my sketches & studies, outside of those to be included in my sale with a view of having them insured as I cannot paint. In the evening I called upon Mrs. Brownell and Miss Sheffield in 53rd St and went from there to the club where I saw Shirlaw, Butler & Perry. Whittredge came in in his dress suit but did not seem to be genial. Collins came in and Whittredge immediately left me and joined him. I wish Whittredge were a little more loyal.

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