Friday January 13, 1888
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 13, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, Jan 13, 1888 Snowing violently this morning and continued until noon when it moderated and began to rain. The State Charities Aid society was to meet at the Forsyths at 130 but as it rained Sara and I concluded not to go. However later I decided to go and started to walk. Met the Ludlums team coming from Dr Smiths with Mrs. Waters and Anna who were going to the meeting and invited me to ride, which I did with some misgivings, as having intended to ride I did not wear an overcoat. However I was not cold. I found several of the out of town members there and quite a full meeting. We discussed the care of the Insane, whether it were best to keep our Insane here or send them to Willard and finally advised the Supervisors to defer the erection of other buildings until the [?] could be better understood from further experience. I walked down. In the morning I walked up to the City Hall through the snow storm and had a talk with the City Surveyor Mr. Sears who has made a profile and estimate of the grading of Chester St to Jervis Av. He puts the cost at $450 which he says is a liberal estimate and more than it ought to cost and the steepest grade will be about 14 ft. in 100 ft. I came home and wrote out a petition to the Common Council and signed it for the Executors and in the evening I went over to see Girard who will get all the property owners he can to sign it.
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