Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday December 27, 1888

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 27, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Dec 27, 1888 Recd notice that I have been made a member of "The Players" and a note from Booth saying the Boughton picture to which he waives all claim, entitles me. I wrote him I was greatly pleased but that I did not quite see how giving his picture should make me a member. I wrote to Thos. Hubbard today the usual notice for the A. M. A. society. Have painted a part of the day on Mr. Welles picture. I found a telegram when I arrived this morning from Robt. Wilkinson inviting me to dine with him and Julia at the Everett last night. I left a note there this morning and had a card from Julia saying she would be in this evening. Mary also had a card from Alice to tell her of her arrival so she and I called of Julia and Robert and then went to see Alice at the Bannings in the "Bella" 26th St. I have invited her to go to the theatre tomorrow evening and have written to Booth for two seats as he told me in his note to let him know if I would like to come to the theatre. I have felt hurried all day and am very tired tonight.

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