Sunday April 15, 1888
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 15, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, Apr 15, 1888 I came to my room after breakfast and marked all my new underclothes, handkerchiefs etc. and also painted my initials on my new trunk. There was no one at dinner except Mary, Sara and me. Calvert was at Hastings, Downing in Baltimore and Bowyer at Staten Island. Later in the afternoon Mary, Sara and I walked up town. We left Mary at 60th St and Sara and I walked on to 84th St and called upon the Cranchs. Mary brought Miss Curtis home to tea and she spent the evening with us which we enjoyed greatly as she is bright and agreeable. Mrs. Pychouska called in the afternoon. She dresses to make herself look older than she really is, but she is a bright, intelligent woman. The day has been still and cloudy but not warm. I got a note from Lily French today in answer to one I sent her a week ago inviting her and Mrs [Nash?] to go to the circus. She cannot find an evening, she is so very busy, would be delighted to go etc and I think she will when I ask her again. I came to my room early to do my chamber work as my woman has not made her appearance since Saturday. I wrote to Lucy this evening.
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