Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday November 9, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 9, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Nov 9, 1887 We were up at 5 o'clock and had breakfast at six and Mr & Mrs Sawyer left at 6.30. I went with them to the train. It was a cold morning with N. wind but clear and bright. I got a "Leader" (Dem.) and a Tribune. The Democrats have made a clean sweep. Fred Grant is defeated as is our State Senator Henry Connely but the worst is the election of Fellows dist. attorney in N. Y. over Nicoll. It is a great encouragement to the "boodle" element. I presume Mr & Mrs. Sawyer have made their last visit here. I could not help the thought as they drove away. After breakfast I set Tom to blacking the stove which Sara had in her room last winter and I fitted a pipe to it and we put it up in my mothers room. It took us until nearly 1 oclock to put it in its place. After lunch I went to work putting into a barrel the books from my fathers library I am going to send to Mr. Sawyer. Just before I finished this Keaton who bought a lot of us, drove up and wanted me to go over there and give him the boundaries; as I could not give them exactly I went up to the City Hall and saw Mr. Sears the City surveyor who will come tomorrow and give me some points to measure from. Cousin Rachel was here today. She is stopping at Mrs. Jansen Andersons. She is very much out of health and looks very badly. She is coming to stay with Sara a while.

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