Tuesday November 22, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 22, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Tuesday, Nov 22, 1887 Painting all day. I painted over the Katahdin and improved it. I am only looking now at the sale of my things. I am not doing much for Art but all for money. It is sad to own it, but that is the truth. I feel that I am growing old and that the important thing now is to provide for my old age if possible. Calvert wanted money today to go to Baltimore and to let Marion have. I lent him $50 from the Estate fund for which he was very grateful. He is to pay it back in a few days as he has money due him. He and I went to see Pilotys Wise and Foolish Virgins at the Yandell Gallery this evening. I did not like the picture. It was hard and had no refinement of color and no freedom of execution. Look at the reddish brown shadow of the rose bush in front of the steps in the immediate foreground. How false and how disagreeable in color. This runs through the whole picture. From there we went up to the American Institute and were greatly entertained by the curious and ingenious things we saw. We stopped at the Club a little while and Shirlaw and I walked home together, if I can call home this place when I feel myself so homeless. I had a letter from Sara deciding not to come down for Thanksgiving but expecting me up and I shall therefore go.
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