Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday November 21, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 21, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Nov 21, 1887 Clear & cold today. Miss Emma Logan's death was announced in the Tribune yesterday and today when I went over to breakfast I saw the crape on the door of her house 18 W. 10th St. I saw Wilmurt about my frames. He can make them easily after Jan 25th. Have been painting all day. Mrs. Anderson was here by 10 oclock in answer to my note. She can accommodate Wood with board and is to write him today as I have Vanderlip called. He is out of employment Yewell told me on Saturday night and he thinks him pretty much broken. I feel sorry for him. His daughter is to be married and go away and he will be alone--but he never complains and never gives one a chance to show him any sympathy. Downing has invited me to go to the Opera with him tonight. Mary goes to Baltimore this afternoon to spend Thanksgiving with Julia and Harry and she has written Sara to come here. It is the first Thanksgiving day we have not observed at home. Downing had tickets to the Opera and he invited me. We saw Tristan and Isolde with Franklin Lehman as Isolde and Niemann as Tristan. I enjoyed very well but am not enough of a musician to enjoy it as many do. The House is a beautiful one.

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