Friday November 11, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 11, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, Nov 11, 1887 It snowed a little this morning and there have been flurries of snow all through the day. Mr. Sears came and finished the survey of the lots on Chester St from the Samson line to Trenton St and set stakes at the corners of each lot and a line of stakes 5 ft. inside the fence line and of the true line of the street. On the corner between us and the Samson line we found a round stone apparently the boundary corner, just below the surface. I paid him $5 for his services. He was very obliging and very painstaking. Sara and I went over to my studio and I brought over the things I am to take to N. Y. and she the little Dressing table glass. John McEntee came up to see her. He brought Nannie home from Dr. Taylors last night and he thinks she is not as well as when she went there. Wants Sara to take her here for a while to see if she cannot help her. Sara and I with the Cantines attended a meeting of the State Charities Aid Association at Supreme Court Chambers in Kingston at which Mrs Cantine proposed a plan for interesting the members by holding out the attraction of a lunch and she is to manage the next meeting. We rode up in the car and walked back stopping at the Cantines for some cider & apples.
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