Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday November 10, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 10, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Thursday, Nov 10, 1887 Went to City Hall directly after breakfast. Mr. Sears the City Surveyor and his assistant went with me to Chester St and we worked until 11 oclock establishing the boundaries of the lots between the Wolfer property and Trenton St. as laid down on the map. Then it began to rain and we were obliged to stop. He is to finish and [?] morning to have his lot marked out so the men can begin digging his cellar. It has rained steadily ever since. Sara and Mrs. Overbagh are out collecting for the Industrial Home. My lame side feels very weak and uncertain today. I finished packing the books for Mr. Sawyer and now they are all ready to send to him. The rain held up after dark and Sara and I went down and spent the evening with the Cantines. Miss Sheffield, her sister is staying with her. Mrs. Cantine gave us a very amusing account of the dinner at Clearwaters to Fred. Grant & wife and Senator Hiscock. She said Hiscock & Mrs. Grant entertained each other across the table and ignored all the rest. She was struck with the intellectual calibre of Grant.

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