Wednesday May 11, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 11, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, May 11, 1887 This morning the little picture care from Mr. Linsley. The damage is at the very top of the picture and in the edge of the frame. I took the frame up to Wilmurt who said he would have it repaired by the afternoon and I got some putty and repaired the damage to the picture which I shall paint over tomorrow. I also went to see Ortgies about a day for my sale next year. He thinks of removing further up town in what he considers a more favorable location and while we decided upon some time between February 1 and March 10th it was left open contingent upon his removal when he will confer with me. I went to the annual meeting of the Academy which was a full and harmonious one. J. Francis Murphy was elected an Academician and Walter Palmer, Edwin Blashfield, Freer, Shirlaw, and [blank] were elected associates. Mr. Huntington and all the old officers were reelected with two new members of the Council, F.S. Church and S.J. Guy. The dinner was well attended and I among others was called upon to say something upon the methods of study from Nature. Eastman came over to where I sat during the meeting and wanted to know what was the matter with me that I treated him so coldly. I told him there was a great deal the matter and he ought to know what was the cause, as I think he did well enough. He tried to explain that he was not responsible for the hanging of my pictures, but I told him that I held him so, that he had not come up to my conception of a friend and an Academician and that I was deeply aggrieved by the indignity he suffered the hanging committee to put upon me. He said he supposed I would hate him henceforth but I told him my feeling was not of hatred but of disappointment and sorrow, that I would have left the hanging committee before I would have allowed him to be so treated. He was very troubled as I meant he should be and asked what he could do. I told him nothing he could do or say would change my view of it. The time was past for that. He had intended to stay to dinner but he and Hall had an interview and he did not stay to dinner but went away feeling that he had alienated two friends. I told him also that this was not the first time he had shown a lack of courage in standing up for his friend and called his attention to his weak course regarding the purchase of my picture by the Union League Club. I came to my room troubled and worried but not at all regretting anything I had said to him. Selstedt paid me $325 for my picture sold to the Buffalo Academy.
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