Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday March 14, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 14, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, Mar 14, 1887 Beautiful morning with a feeling of spring in the air and the blue birds twittering in the sunshine. The Norwich went over the river and broke a track for the ferry. They crossed the ice this morning with teams with passengers from the trains. I drove down town with the sleigh after having boxed up my studies over at my studio, and took the box to the express office. Most of the people went about in wagons but there were also a number of sleighs. I went around and settled some small bills. Saw Bray who told me he had sold his house[.] The prospect for real estate I think is favorable and as soon as the spring opens I shall finish the grading of Chester St. I spoke to Henry about it yesterday. There is a good deal of a rumpus up there about building in the lot opposite the Cornell Store houses, which Major Cornell has sold to McMilan & Co. and which undoubtedly ought be included in the street. Sam and the major I hear are no nearer a reconciliation. I came away in the 4 35 train, sending back by Tom my Ulster. Before we reached N. Y. the wind blew a gale and very cold from the N. W. Came to my room and got warm and put on my overcoat and went over to the Century through clouds of dust. Had some supper and talked with Armstrong. A meeting is called for Saturday night. Another project to move the club.

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