Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday June 29, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 29, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, June 29, 1887 I yesterday received a letter from Mr. Welles containing a check to my order "for the benefit of the family of James McEntee" of fifty dollars. My impulse is to return it with a note acknowledging the kind feeling which prompted it. My father is about the same this morning. Sara staid with him all night. I went to bed [?] feeling much exhausted. I had been on my feet all day [?] very weak. A letter came from Mary Gifford with a copy [?] by Mr. Munger of New Haven. Mary says she is happy and wants to tell me how to be so. I feel no better today. Cannot see that I gain any strength. Sara has lain down to rest this afternoon and I have been with my father. He has grown so weak he can speak only with great difficulty but is conscious and knows me. Very restless when awake and constantly pulling the bed clothes up and putting them off. He takes no nourishment and has not for several days except a teaspoon full or two of buttermilk which is the only thing he will take at all. A note from Mary hopes she will come up tomorrow. I had a good letter from Mr. Sawyer. I grow very weak and weary as the day goes on.

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