Friday July 15, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 15, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, July 15, 1887 Mary and I went to N. Y. by the morning train on the Hudson River road and arrived there at 11 oclock. It was a very comfortable day and we were not too warm. I went directly to see Dr. Taylor. After questioning and examining me he assured me my malady was only temporary arising from a low condition of the nervous system and advised me to go away somewhere for diversion and to get my mind in a new channel. I spoke of the Maine Woods and he thought that would be just the thing. Assured me I would come back well. He said there was no indication of breaking down in me. That he called me a whole, sound man, but that it was vital that I should get out of this condition I am in, which he said comes from anxiety, and strongly urged me to go away as I suggested to the Maine Woods. I dont see how I can but I mean to try. I got my lunch after seeing him and walked down to and around the battery and then took the 9 Av. Elevated train up to the Powell. Had a pleasant sail up and arrived at 8.30 not greatly fatigued with my day. Mary did not return but expects to come with Marion Monday. I had a letter from Mrs. Anderson.
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