Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday July 1, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 1, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, July 1, 1887 Yesterday was a very hot day. We had my fathers body carried over into my mothers room where it is cooler. He looks much younger than he did before he died and the wrinkles in his face are all gone. I am pretty weak this morning and dazed by the contemplation of the situation. The future is a struggle to me. Here are Sara and me left alone in this great house, I nearly helpless. What are we to do? I pray I may be given guidance to do what is for the best, for I confess I know not what to do. I wrote to Mr. Sawyer yesterday but am not going to notify any of the friends at a distance, who might think they were expected to come to the funeral. The weather is very hot. Tom commenced cutting the grass yesterday. We go on doing things in a mechanical way not knowing to what end. All is chaos to me. Calvert came by the Powell this evening and Bowyer by 9 oclock train.

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