Wednesday January 26, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, January 26, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, Jan 26, 1887 Walked down to the mail but to my great disappointment yet no word from Bowyer, nor from Wilmurt nor concerning my studio. I want to go to N. Y. and cannot until I hear from there. Sara invited Girards wife[,] Mrs. Jansen Anderson, Miss Belle Larter and Mrs. Peter Philips to take a sleigh ride. At ten oclock we called for them. It had begun to snow and Mary declined but the rest were ready. We drove out on the Flat-bush road, the storm and the wind increasing but it was not cold, crossing over to the Saugerties road at Aunt Katrines Lake entrance and home by the Red House. The wind blew hard from N. E. and whisked the fast falling snow wildly about us but all seemed to enjoy it and we reached home at noon. It is growing colder but the storm cleared before evening.
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