Thursday February 24, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 24, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Thursday, Feb 24, 1887 Have painted on my sky picture today but it is not satisfactory. I always think I am going to do something fine but dont do it. Mary came with Sadie Crosby today to see my new studio. She was very much pleased with it. I went to Dr. Taylors. My month will soon be up and I havent the money as yet to pay. I do not hear from Sam and it is a week now since I wrote him. I had a letter from Sara this evening. She says McCausland told Girard that a gentleman from New York had been looking all about for a place and ours was the only one he wanted and wanted him to find out the price of it. She has since heard it was Sam Coykendall. If it is he it seems a strange proceeding after all that has passed between us on that subject. That may account for his not answering my letter. Calvert, Mary, Bowyer and I went to the Clarendon and spent the evening with Mrs. Monnell. Frank DeWindt came and George Hall, his wife and Miss Godwick Miss Van Wagoner was there also. Calvert and [I] went around to the club and smoked a cigar afterwards.
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