Friday December 30, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 30, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, Dec 30, 1887 A high wind all night making it seem colder than it really was 12 degrees. They are working away on the Toboggan slide and have it nearly done. Marion and I came away with the noon train. Very cold and windy and I think growing colder this evening. I did not want to leave home and Sara alone. I love the winter in the Country but never can stay there as I wish I could. I cling to the home and our own fireside and do not want to go any where else. Mary wanted me to stop to see Julia who is at Annies while they are in Montreal as she was very anxious to hear about Nannie, and I did so and told her all about it. Found a letter from Mary Gifford. Harry & Julia are at Marys and their apartment is pretty full. They are always ready to put themselves to inconvenience for their friends. They all (the young folks) went to a party this evening. I staid with Mary until 10 oclock when I came to my room and wrote a note to Booth telling him I had been away for a week and had just returned and would like to see him. I would either call on him or he could come to my studio, just as suited him best. He and Barrett are playing Julius Caesar at the Academy for two weeks. I also wrote to Mary Gifford and directed it to New Haven care of Weir where she is going tomorrow.
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