Saturday December 24, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 24, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Saturday, Dec 24, 1887 Went home by 11 oclock train. Found Sara and Marion had the Xmas tree up in the sitting room and all ready except the things I bought and the candles. The children had been told we would [?] it all ready at 5 oclock. They of course came over before and had to be kept in the dining room like a lot of little wild animals. At 5 we let them in and while we were looking at the tree bells were heard out in front of the house and a shouting and stamping and we cried out "here he comes". It was very interesting to see the expression of Girard and Dwightie. Presently Girard bounded in as Santa Claus with a buffalo robe, a good big belly a cotton beard and a bundle of new India rubber boots on his back. His make up was excellent and he did his part well and finally shot out in a most mysterious manner. Then we distributed the presents and blew out the lights and the children all having gone home we took the tree out on the back porch, and thus another Xmas ended, as so many previous ones have ended under this dear roof of home. There were present Girards wife, Girard as Santa Claus, Marion, Sara, myself, Katy our hired girl[,] Tom & his wife and baby, Jimmy McEntee, Charlie, Girardie, Dwightie and the little girl baby who squalled all the time, and little Marie Anderson.
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