Tuesday April 5, 1887
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 5, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Tuesday, Apr 5, 1887 Very cold again. I went up to the Academy to see just how the hanging committee had treated their own pictures. I found them all on the line and in excellent places, except that one of Bolton Jone's pictures was in the corridor and Eastman Johnsons portrait of Dr. Potter was over some very small pictures. I also found that there were 70 pictures on the line, of artists in no way connected with the Academy either as Academicians or as associate while the pictures of Academicians are put in ignominious places. Robbins came up to see me. He is provoked about the hanging of one of his pictures high up in the corridor, but I was careful what I said to him. I have had a feeling of discouragement all day. No one wants my work seemingly and even my artist friends seem to indicate by their action that I am retrograding. I am not however as I think my work will show. I see some of the most meretricious and vulgar things in the Academy sold and some of the best, unsold.
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