Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday April 20, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 20, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Apr 20, 1887 I have not felt at all well today. I went down [?] to see about the plan in Shoppells modern houses, for Mrs. Folant. There seemed a flourishing business with a large office and a number of clerks. The man with whom I consulted admitted that this house could not be built for $1150. He said if it were let out at contract it would be necessary to add 20 pc. I therefore did not think it wise to buy the plans until I see her again. I bought a number of their journal for a dollar. At the breakfast table I talked with the family about the [?] of my fathers making some special provision for Sara which he wants to do and they were all of the opinion it should be done. Mary is going to Rondout this afternoon. Bowyer came in this forenoon and we put the picture for Mr. Linsley of Three Rivers, Mich. in the frame and selected two smaller ones to send to him to look at and Bowyer wrote to him. Feeling very disinclined to go anywhere I still felt obliged to go the Nineteenth Century Club for which Mrs. Custer sent me a card. Marion and Julia Dillon went with me. T. W. Higginson spoke on Literature in a Republic. He gave expression to a sturdy Americanism which was most refreshing to me and contented that Literature must eventually be more vigorous in a land where there was no repression from distinctions of inherited rank. I came away after he concluded and went to Mrs. Rossiter Johnsons where I had accepted an invitation. Most of the people were strangers to me but I met Mrs Kendrick, whose husband was President (or is) of Vassar College, a Mrs. Ely and Mrs. Peabody. Just as I was leaving I was introduced to Mrs. Bronson of Clinton, Saras friend whom Mrs. Thurber received so coldly.

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