Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday November 30, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 30, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Nov 30, 1886 Went over to where Henry was at work on Chester St. [I?] had breakfast early and I drove Jamie and Marion up to the morning train, Marion to go home and Jamie to his school after a very pleasant and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Since they have been here they have had sleigh rides, coasting and skating. I went to work in my studio and have painted three sketches of winter effects which Calvert and I saw on our walks and one of a sky I saw last night. About 9 o'clock a messenger brought me a letter from Bowyer enclosing the advertisement of the little pictures, for the Century and a proof of the Engraving for my comments and wishing me to reply by telegraph if all right which I did and also sent a note returning the proof by special delivery stamp. It rained hard this afternoon and I enjoyed working in my studio without interruption having a good long day. When I came over to dinner a little before 4 I saw a charming effect of rain and mist from my window which I sketched rapidly and will paint tomorrow. I very much enjoy painting this great variety of effects. There is constant novelty about it and I am learning many things.

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