Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday November 2, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 2, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, Nov 2, 1886 Election day. Pleasant and mild but somewhat damp. Too much so we thought for my father to go to the polls although he did subsequently. I went and voted with Girard and down to his office to get tickets for N. Y. and went down in the noon train. Went to Eastmans from whom I got a card saying he would expect me and also a letter from him enclosing his check for $254 for my half of the picture "Children in the Wood["] we painted together several years ago and which was sold in Minneapolis. We went to the "G. B" dinner in honor of Mr. Gordon at Delmonicos at 7. There were 24 or 25 present among whom were Judge Sedgwick who presided with judge Spier at the other end of the table. I sat next on the left of Judge Sedgwick with Mr. Gordon on his right. Next me Eastman and then Collins. Marbury, Beman, Dr Otis, Robbins, South[?], Lord Bishop, Judge Howland, Anderson, Newbury, Noyes, McDonough and others. We had a nice dinner and lots of other dinners were going on and a great Jewish Wedding Reception down upon which we could look from a balcony. Mr. Gordon in response to his health drank made a few graceful and appreciative remarks. At dinner the election returns came in showing that Hewitt was elected mayor, George polling a large vote and Roosevelt behind. I was sure he was defeated when I found all the old Republicans with few exceptions voting for Hewitt. After the dinner Collins, Eastman and I walked up to the Union League Club to hear the news which was substantially the same, and then rode up to Eastmans and went to bed about midnight.

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