Wednesday May 9, 1883
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 9, 1883, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, May 9, 1883 No tidings this morning. I telegraphed to Booth at the American Exchange, London, as follows "Downing disappeared seventh. No tidings. Jervis" and came to my room and wrote him all the particulars up to this time. The Annual meeting of the Academy occurs today but I am afraid I cannot be there. I telegraphed to John McEntee last night thinking Downing might possibly have fled to Rondout, but he replied he was not there. I have just written to Sara. I have written to Booth giving him a plain narrative of all that has occurred up to the latest moment and mailed the letter about 9 oclock this evening to go tomorrow morning by the Republic. Attended the Annual meeting of the Academy as there seemed nothing for me to do in connection with Downing. All passed off harmoniously. Dielman, Bolton Jones, Kruseman Van Elten and E. M. Ward were elected Academicians. F. S. Church, Harry Chase, C. Y. Turner & Ulrich were elected Associates. I did not stay to the dinner. Spent the evening at Marys. Mrs. Stoddard came in. Fred Norton and I walked down to 8th St. to mail the letter to Booth and then went to the Century to smoke a cigar. We left about 10 30 and I came to my room with something of a feeling that I ought to have gone to Downings room although Calvert did not think it necessary. After I had got to bed and fallen asleep I was awakened by a loud rapping which as my window was wide open seemed to be across the street. It proved to be Fred Norton at my door come to tell me that Downing had returned safely and walked into their apartment. He had not seen him and could offer little information beyond the fact that he was alive and well. After he had gone and I was just dozing again Calvert came to tell me not knowing Fred had been here.
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