Jervis McEntee Diaries

Monday July 9, 1883

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, July 9, 1883, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Monday, July 9, 1883 A fine clearing morning. Booth and Edwina left by the 11 o'clock H. R. Train. They both regretted to go but will return after some visits. I think they feel more at home here than any where else they go. This has been a perfect day with a cool north air and rich atmosphere. Bowyer who stopped over from the Press excursion last night went down by the West Shore road. Immediately after dinner Downing and I with Park started for a long walk. We crossed the high bridge and walking down beyond Van Akens crossed over to the upper Esopus pond thinking it was the lower one. We walked clear around to the lower end of the lower one and struck across from Ames' to the river road and went as far as the ice house where we rested an hour giving Park a good swim. When the little Pokeepsie boat came along we got on board of her and came home. Mr Van Aken was on board and also Mrs Legrand Abbey. A letter from Lucy this morning all about poor Maurice of whom I have thought many times today and very sadly. I saw him for the last time at breakfast five weeks ago yesterday. Poor fellow, my heart is filled with pity when I think of him. I occupy my room again tonight and it seems like coming home. My room, sacred because of dear Gertrude.

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