Wednesday May 11, 1881
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 11, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wednesday, May 11, 1881 Very hot weather. Put on my summer under clothing. Council meeting of the Academy. Robbins, Ward and I on the dinner Committee. Old officers all elected except Bristol who declined to serve longer on the Council. Guy put in his place. I was returned upon the Council only on a third ballot because I stated that I would like to retire having been there six or seven years. The only Academician elected was F. A. Bridgman a man who lives out of the country and in no way identifies himself with the art interests of the country. I did not vote for him for that reason, nor do I accord him the position which the general public does. He is to me only a clever painter and not an original man. Five associates were elected, Bolton Jones, Hovenden, Dielman, Thos. Moran and [blank]. The dinner was served by Pinard and was far the most elegant and satisfactory one we ever had. Weir staid with me. I had a note from Maurice yesterday, homesick but serious and enclosing a letter for the Herald. A note from Miss Nesmith proposing to bring some friends to my studio but I had to write her I should be at the Academy.
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