Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday April 24, 1881

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 24, 1881, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Apr 24, 1881 Warm breezy day with S. wind. Jamie, Park and I took a walk down the Wallkill rail road towards Greenkill looking for arbutus. Did not find much but met several young fellows looking for it. So warm we sat with the windows and doors open even in the evening. Wrote to Booth, Weir. A letter from Booth dated Apl 4th. They are only waiting for Mrs. Booths death. Her reason is gone. He is full of anxiety. Maurice staid home all day for the first time. I read dear Gertrudes letters about Lucys & the babys going away. These soft spring days are full of sweet memories of her. I could not keep shedding tears as I read her dear words of sorrow yesterday, at Lucys and the beloved babys departure. It all came back to me and her loss came to me again with an infinite sadness. I am reading Carlyles Reminiscences. Nothing is so human in him as his tender memory of his wife and his regret that he did not more fully show her his love.

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