Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday June 30, 1880

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 30, 1880, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, June 30, 1880 Drove up to Lake Mohonk via Lucas' turnpike and Coxon bridge. A very comfortable breezy day, very dusty but the wind blew it from us. Gertrude and Marion went along. Arrived there at 11.30 and found Julia Vaux at once who was spending a fortnight there with Mrs. Mendelson and her daughter. Staid there to dine. Met Miss Maria Miller there who looked very pretty. Gertrude used to call her that pretty Miss Miller. Mr. Smille was very polite and took me to his private apartments and introduced me to his wife. He has built a large addition since last year. We left at three o'clock. We came home by Rosendale and Fred Nortons mills through clouds of dust a part of the way. In the evening the weather grew cool. Maggie our servant girl finally went away today to my great regret. I had a short note from Booth written last night in great haste. He sailed today I saw by the telegraphic news this evening. He is to write me from England. I had two postal cards from Sara, one from Rochester with a word by Cornelia and one from Buffalo, with entirely satisfactory accounts of her journey. The farmers were cutting the rye all along the road where we went today which is much earlier than usual. I think it is pretty well dried up with the drought.

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