Saturday September 20, 1879
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Saturday, September 20, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
The coldest night we have had by far. The morning grey but calm. Gifford, John and I started for Trout Ponds in the larger birch and spent the day there, taking our lunch of frizzled pork, tea, onions & hard bread over a large rock. John built us a raft but the logs were water soaked and it rolled about a great deal. We caught a few small trout although all the indications seemed most favorable. It rained at intervals all day. We got back to camp about 7. William had just arrived from Medway and brought me letters from Emma French, two from Sade telling me of taking Jamie to school and of Pa and Ma going to Ocean Grove; and Julia and Marians visit. Also of Mrs. Sawyer going to her brother Hirams and finding he had died the night before. A letter from Janette and one from Mr. Pell.
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