Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday June 17, 1879

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 17, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

The weather is cool and delightful. Having a strong feeling of doubt that mine is an actual case of hernia I determined to have Dr. Otis examine me and went up to his office this morning. He was not in but he called to see me this afternoon and made an examination. He could discover nothing whatever, advised me to leave off the truss until tomorrow when I am to see him again. What would I not give to be pronounced sound again. Vanderlip called and brought an early sketch of mine which he wants me to paint from in place of the one he has. I thought it rather a feeble sketch but there was evidently something in it which met his feelings. I had a letter from Lily French this morning, the first one in two weeks. She is to go home on Saturday at the end of the college year and seems in some doubt as to whether she will be able to go back next year. Thinks she is not to go to East Hampton, with the Weirs, that her mother has written her and will tell her why when she comes home, but says she can easily guess, that it is the money question which always prevents the French family from doing many things. Its too bad, but I had a letter from Mrs. Weir and she says Lily is to go with them. I wrote to her today and a letter to Louise Weir who sent me a cunning little letter in her mothers. Wrote to John Sanford. Had my breakfast in my room. My boil was very sore and I concluded not to go over to Marys. I went over to dinner but walking is a great torture. Eastman came to see me and I invited him and his wife and Ethel to go up home with me to spend next Sunday. Booth came. He told me how Rosalie and Joe mortified him and how slovenly they were in their dress. He has told me once before but today it seemed to be a relief to him to talk about it. Told of Joes catching a pig in his arms at Long Branch one day when he had friends to dinner and then coming to the dinner table without washing himself or changing his clothes. He stayed and talked until after his dinner hour and then washed off belated. Rosalie is a queer looking creature. I saw her once just after the assassination of the President when Booth was close at home, and she struck me as a strange creature.

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