Thursday January 2, 1879
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Thursday, January 2, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Specie resumption goes into effect today and there is no doubt of its success, no one wanting gold. I staid with the baby last night and she got along better than I feared she would. She was very troublesome today and Alice being still ill and very anxious I telegraphed to her husband to come and also wrote to Mrs. Sawyer. It has snowed hard nearly all day and this evening a gale from the N.W. is blowing and drifting the snow. I had a letter from Whitelaw Reid telling me all about Bayard Taylors financial affairs which seem to be better than I feared. I also had a letter from George Daisey my guide in the Maine woods. He had received the axes I sent the men and seemed much pleased.
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