Tuesday February 25, 1879
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Tuesday, February 25, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Snowed. Hall and I who were appointed to a committee to see about some new seats for the galleries at the Academy met at Schundt & Ligets and from there went to Potter & Stymers' where we were shown round among the magnificent furniture and then went to a place in the Bowery. Booth came in while I was at lunch. He and his wife are coming tomorrow for me to paint on the Macbeth. I rather dread this but still want to do what I can to please him. Joe Tomkins came in. Was feeling very badly. Had had a bad night. I pressed him to stay and when he left felt more cheerful. I felt sorry for him. He is troubled and is not able to bear much worry. He is going to start for home tomorrow stopping at Greenfield. Spent the evening at Eastmans. Stedman came to see me today. No answer yet to my letter of last Wednesday, perhaps I ought not to expect one. Received an invitation from Cyrus Field today to attend a reception at his house on Mar. 10th the twenty fifth anniversary of the laying of the Atlantic cable.
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