Monday December 8, 1879
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Monday, December 8, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Beard brought Mrs. Wickes whose husband bought my picture "Over the hills and far away" and a Mrs. Hopkins to my room. Mrs. Hopkins said she would bring her husband very soon to buy one of my pictures. She seemed to like my pictures very much and I had a very entertaining interview with them as they were both very bright and chatty. Mrs. Wheeler called with Mrs. Genl. Custer, a very pretty woman dressed in the deepest mourning. She is engaged at the Decorative Art Society rooms in some capacity. Mrs. Wheeler selected her picture which I owe her for the house. She took the study for Falling Leaves. I showed them my old piece of crewel work with which Mrs. Wheeler was greatly pleased. Attended the Council meeting and as Mr. Huntington was not there I took the chair. I received a sweet letter from Sade with such loving words about dear Gertrude. I could not keep back the tears. Mrs. Wheeler talked with me about her today in a very tender and loving way.
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