Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday December 21, 1879

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, December 21, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

The shortest day and bitterly cold. Came to my room after breakfast and busied myself marking and arranging my Christmas presents. Charlie Colman called and a little after one, I went up to Pinchots to dine. Found Gifford and his wife there. Pinchot talked with us about establishing a permanent gallery of art and wanted us to suggest some plan. He is sure the money can be easily raised. I suggested it be done in connection with the Academy by buying the lots on 24th & 4th Av. First get a gallery and the pictures will be sure to come. He is to invite several of us later and we are to discuss the idea. He seems to want to initiate the project and I assured him of my cordial support. After dinner we called at the Wilsons and from there I went to see Mrs. Stoddard. I took her a pair of Gertrudes pretty silk stockings. She told me she used to see how pretty and dainty her feet looked in her silk stockings and how she made her lift her skirts to show them. I remember Gertrudes telling me of this in her laughing way. "Uncle Edward" was there and I staid only a short time. Went home to tea and from there to Booths where I spent the evening no one but themselves being there. I read him what Weir said in his letter, and I had such a quiet, cosy evening.

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