Sunday April 27, 1879
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Sunday, April 27, 1879, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Wrote to Booth, To Alice and to H. K. Brown. Sam and I went over to the cemetery where the man had done the work I ordered and I planted sweet peas and morning glories. I could not realize that my darling lay below gradually mingling with the dust in which I hid these seeds. I did not see her put there and so I cannot think of her there. In the afternoon we took a ride out on the Greenkill road and got a quantity of arbutus. The grass is beginning to be green and the buds are swelling. Called on Johnnie & Nannie who think they will have to leave my house to my great regret. My visit home this time did not so utterly overcome me with sad thoughts though I had many sharp pangs as I looked over some of Gertrudes things for her lace shawl which I am going to give to her mother and her Roman scarf for Alice.
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